Tuesday, November 28, 2006

De Hawts Of the Hawts

To finally get over with de addmath paper was supposed to be a relieve. Well yeah, it sure is. Wuz supposed to be in school today to collect my art paper 3 . Too bad..juz found out bout it' last night so i'd juz collect em' on friday instead. No rush man.. THREE more subs to gO! *CHEERS* Yest'day i sat for my addM papes, I totally flung that piece of shyt man.. Total junk! I don't know much bout addm. So blame my left-brain yah.. It isnt functioning..dunnoe why.. I work better with my right. The fcuk-arse pengawas totally ruined my day! Makin hell lot of noise distracting me when i was struggling with my paper. yeayea..blabla.."circle your answers" "remember to tie your paper" yack yack yack. So i didn't bother to listen anymore. I didn't even bother when she said "remember to read your intructions..tEAR OUT THE PAPER AT THE BACK" DAmn! So what if i made a mistake there? She totally bugged me out. and then what? "you pEoPle dunNoe hOw tO rEaD inStruCtioNs aR hah?!@#$%#@?" bladdy ol' menopause bytch. wuteva.. I so-need to expand my horizon.. to go out and see the world. Different cultures, different lifestyles. Something DIFFERENT Just wait.. and see. Hmm.. I always think to myself.. Where's ma Mr.Right? He muST be searching for me too.. Struggling in tears just to catch a glimpse of me.. Oh-so-sexy! ooOOoo..hah! get REal girl.. Yeah sure..DREam on..bUT, at least i DARE TO DREAm. haHh! Aim high babeh~ Boys thESE days are so...$%^#@$%x ..lol! Did i say anything?? nOoo.. I so-loved JESSE Metcalfe and Jan's Alltime-favourite DANIEL Henney! oOooo.. DropDeadGorgeous is how i would describe them. Do you see them in aNY of the guys we see in the mall these day? or even amongst those we know? Sadly.. NO...hahaHh..WoOkay..this is buggin me out. AuRevoir sistas.


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