Tuesday, November 21, 2006

World War One

WAR, a human made catastrophe which cost lives of many innocents. Why war? Because they are plain Selfish and STUPID. Human Ego.= Dullards. People then lived in consternation and fear. Could you imagine if happened to us? No..No...way..
I just sat for my history paper yesterday and i never thought European history could be that interesting. I studied a few chapts until I came to this part which caught my attention. The instant factor of World War One. It was hilarious indeed. Well, it goes something like this..

- It all started off with the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir of the Austria-Hungarian* (A.H.) and his wife by the Serbians.
-The A.H. formed an alliance with Germany and seek revenge from the Serbians by attackin them.
-The Serbians then formed an alliance with Rusia and France.
- Jerman attacked France and made Britain tak puas with Germany.
-So, Britain and America attacked Germany. Blablabla....
- Then the Versailles Agreement was made. They signed the paper and they ciao.
- Now Germany.. agaiN pussy gatal attacked Poland. (lazy to elaborate)
- Then dunnoe what happened, Japan attacked Pearl Harbour in 1941.
-Two alliances were formed..........read yaself..
- Germany lose the battle..HAHA in your face!
- America went cookoo and dropped a bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
- Now everyone cooled down a lil' and realize how bad the damage was. No benefits..NOTHING!
- After the battle, the bomb, the debts and so on..now everybody EMO. (like kenjoe) which we call it PERANG DINGIN.
- In the year WE were born, 1989, all that emo people turned back to normal. We became the Peacemaker..muahaha!

Wonder why did I not get all these facts right in the exam. sigh. Whateva that is, from these we learnt that war is Bad for Health*. HAHAH! Btw..I personally AGAINST DASAR APARTEID! Silly fools.

Now..I'm SO OVER history.. HATED EM'! All bout Islams and other ridiculous junks.. bleaghh... I totally screwed my essays man..and talk bout essays.. 1119 essays were horrible! I could not think of anything! I totally blank out! For de FIRST TIME! I panicked for some stupid reason.. Math...ooOOooo I'm SO-LOVIN-IT!! WEI HUI lUVbs MaTH! Rememba this! Today im juz gonna chill and continue studyin TOMorrow. Au revoir babeh!

LovaDova, Me.

*Phatdolla's Copyright*


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