Monday, November 06, 2006

My Day

Should i say i've juz had the best Birthday eva?? *credits to the event planners* (u guys knoe who u are..)
It started of like this..The dinner's in 1u so i went there early thinkin that they* would be there already..
Ebelin arrived second btw. Then i received a phone call from Eujoh sayin that the Lousiest driver, Kenjoe ter-banged* a tAXI from the back.. The taxi fella was makin hell lot of noise claiming if they don't pay him for that BUMPER of his, he would call GANG~* wtf?? TAXI DRIVA ya knoe!?? cal police la dum ass.. Then Eujoh made us wait for them infront of British India. So we did as he said. On the way walkin there.. I saw some DUNGU-s RUnnIn round' with a Bakerzin cake (in box lar..).. blah blah.. So we figured out that the TAXI issue was FAKe lar... dum dum.. Then they nicely walk up to me and try to *surprise* me.. HAHAHA RaHsia TerBONgkAR D!! stewpid.. lol..but that was so sweet of them to do so.. *Luv you guys..

Aipeng, Ebelin, Kenjoe, Vince, Patricia, Nick, David, and Eu Joh had dinner with me at TGI after that. I was first greeted by both my long-lost friends.. Phik Munn & Kathleen.. They work there btw..Well.. Read this..

Me : What's the date today?
PMunn :5th?
Me : which is???
PMunn : Sunday??
Me : and.....???
(I stared at her..*dissapointedly*)
Me : Which is.....MY BIRTHDAY...=_="

Sigh...what a friend...

Dinner started at 7.30. We all had yummy meals while some gAYs were sharin.. LOL..
THEN...the BEST* part came in.. PAT informed the tgi peop bout my birthday and they came and surrounded us..i think even the manager came or some sort.. They made me STAND ON THE CHAIR , GIVE A SPEECH, and SING A SONG !!! (which i did not sing at all.. haha) all of a sudden those peop started CHEERING some TGI CheeRS or sth.. gosh.. so EMBARRASSING!!!! Everyone dining there was STARING at US!! Malunyaaa.. Okay.. that was OFFICIALLY THE MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT in my life! ThanKS to PAT YAH.....??? =_=" Geesh..

Later on, Me,Peng,Eujoh,Pat,and Kenjoe moved on to Hartamas Square. (I prefer AC)
We girls wanted to try SHEESHA** (However U spell that) So we did.. lol.. GRAPE FLAVOURED one we tried. Kjoe choked on it because he laughed too much and Pat practically almost fainted because she kept repeatin it juz to take gud pictures..LOL..Sorry pat..MY BAD..
Then at bout 11 sth we drove to OUG. ABC mamak place was where we went. Kjoe drove Eugene out to join us. We chatted for an hour or two then drove eugene n eujoh back.
Some tragedies* happened and the night ended coldly*. Well i dun wanna talk bout it. =) After that kjoe dropped us home and he left feeling sleepy.

So yeah.. Thanks,you guys for everything last night and I really appreaciate it! Beautiful memories yah??... LovaDova,Me.

Checkout the pics on my Xanga. *cheers*


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