Friday, December 01, 2006


Its not DEJAVU actually.. i juz like the way it sounded =P
Moral paper sucked badly and blame nobody but myself for that. I did not really memorize the nilais and definitions. Wuteva..
Then Jan present me this UniQue pair of earrings she got from dunnowhere. Yeah thanx hun. I wuz juz kiddin bout tht yest. =)
As we ( Ebelin, Aipeng & I) were walkin out to gate B, we spoke about our plans next year. We sure don't know what we want. Sigh.. Thats what made us buddies.. Forever Unsure*.. lol
I don't know what i want exactly. Everyone is compelled to take up something in life and so i will. All i know is, after my last paper, im gonna chillout with hunns, get my driving licence (even when im not gettin a car), checkout some stuffs in Singapore, then start lookin for jobs. Yeah i've juz said it.. JOBS. Previously i worked at Sisley. It was last year and the year before last. (nov dec) Met new friends there, served ridiculous customers ( i remember how we laughed at his* hairy chest and got ourselves in trouble with the customer), made fun of Yun's CCness, mess up the accounts and many more. I juz miss those days. See how time flies yeah?
It felt as if i juz entered the front gate of Assunta yesterday and BAM! Im two subs away from freedom! It sometimes freak me out. To even just think of that, gives me goosebumps.
College life is never gonna be that easy and my life for sure isn't gonna be the same. But no matter what happens, friends will always be friends.. I would never wanna loose any of em' , especially not my two beloved buddies. (U know who you are...=P) We've been thru alot in the past seven years. All that laughters & tears we shared..Damn! that sure is worthy.. HahH we even fought against one another yeah? Silly us..
No prom this year.. How dissapointing.. Wuz so lookin forward into it. Got invitations to other proms but it isn't gonna feel the same as being in your own school prom. right? Sigh.. I guess ill be on my own soon. All alone.. I'm so impatient to get my spm results. So excited!! What's done is DONE! There's no turnin' back so juz face it! Its juz the matter of time.
Till then.. adios!


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