Sunday, March 11, 2007

Disappointment VS Despise

Have you ever been betrayed again and again?
I have.

Is it so hard to just stick to one? Why be a disappointment? It truly was upsetting.

I stayed awake the whole of last night. Mood swings, got emotional, and started having all the worst of thoughts that it freaked me out. I haven't been having that feelings in a while. I hate it when it happens. I'm feeling so insecure all of a sudden. It's like someone has just placed me in the middle of nowhere with nobody but myself and I. Try stepping into my shoes to see from my perspective. It is not enjoyable, not at all. Urgghh.. Butterflies in my tummy. For the very first time after so long. May the Lord be with us as we enter the hall of scores with blessings showering us. Amen.

™× |-§ou£ S¢reªm-| × ™ [-Desire-] says:
You all damn semangat snake kao him ar?

We did not purposely do that. That asshole deserved it and I'm not sure if Sean gives a damn bout what he's done. Wuteva that is, the more mistake he does, the more trouble he'll get into. I'll make sure he gets punished. So long sucker! Totally despise his every actions.

Someone have just disappointed me. I'm not sure is that one's word could be trusted. Stop confusing me, stop complicating things. ARggh.. I dunnoe anything. All I know is that it upsets me.


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