Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas, but Broken Myself


HoHoHo! It's the time of the year, again!
Merry Christmas, fellow friends and readers.
May you all have many wonderful memories in the coming year of 2008.
May it be filled with joy and laughters with no war, no tears.
Have a blessed, jolly Christmas.

Now, where's MY PreSEnt??? *evil grins*

Alone and plan-less on Christmas?
Come join me for on the 25th for a random chillout outing. Probably at Hartamas, Bangsar, or somewhere hidden in KL and it'll be after 10pm so you can have your Christmas dinners first. I would like to have your suggestions. Gimme a call if ya're coming or leave me a message on my tagboard. Good looking people only yea. hahah. kiddin. Hope to hear from you soon. ;)


Don't say you love me when you don't know how to. I doubt if you know what love is. You just can't stop breaking my heart even with the smallest of things. Everything else you put before me so why do you still need me. You pray and hope for things that you are not willing to put effort in. Haven't you learnt from the mistakes of your past? Why let history repeat when you know you can stop it. I won't be here forever and you know it. Not everybody can stand and have enough patience to cope with your selfishness and busy-ness. Hear me out. Work things out. Don't take me for granted like how you did to others. Have I not done enough. Have I not give enough love, time and space. Why do I always feel a distance when I'm with you. I may just be 'another girlfriend' to you , one you think can be handled easily. Tell me I'm wrong. Do you really want me that badly or am I just here because you can't find someone else?

Don't love because I love. Love because you want and do.

Let the passion of love fill you up. I deserve a better side, and more.. of you.
Learn not just to love, but to adore, treasure and cherish. You can only do that when you're really.. really ready. Come back to me, only then.

I will always .. love you.

-CcT- says (5:08 PM):
knowing u have a partner but not able 2 spend time with him hurts so bad

A dedication to you.
.....How to touch a girl by Jojo

- Broken, in tears. Bleeding heart. -


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