Saturday, March 17, 2007

Botak's Big Day!

David got kicked in the ass.

David just left for NS this morning and we're so missing him already. You know, the shyts we did togetha, the hoohaas.. and yadddayadda... Our beloved BOTAK. Oh no, he's the Laughin' Buddha who smokes, drinks, and clubs. So sinful.. tsk tskk.

Bet he just had the best birthday ever. The ones present last night was of course, the birthday botak boy, turning 18 officially, Aipeng, Fung How, Diandran, Muyo and Weihui. TAdaaaa!

The extras?

Met Jeremy and his future-hairstylist friend (Forgot his name, sowee.) Lookin cool with the eyeliners on babe?

Got pissed by some shyt but got back to normal later on. It sure was a really sweet huggy night in fact.

Had problem BALANCING the blardy manual, AGAIN.

hmm.. ayte. That's all for now. Gotta get dressed before the 'princess' comes and start buggin me. Au revoir loveliest.


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