Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Don't fucking mess with my feelings (it hurts)
Don't fucking take me easily (I will walk away)
Don't fucking cheat (I'll get even)
Don't fucking lie (you'll pay for the price)
Don't fucking ignore (put yourself in my shoe)
Don't fucking make me cry (it fades the feelings by bit each time)
Don't fucking compare (Fucking love me for who I am, I will always be ME)
Don't fucking make me a spare (I'm worth more than that)
Don't fucking hurt me (I'll leave)
Don't fucking be childish (Grow up)
Don't fucking pretend (I don't need no shyt)

.. guys .. these are for real .. another inner thoughts to share.
*the above texts refers to the boyfriends out there. It's the little little things that count. It is worth a consideration*

It's time to get out there to meet new faces. Been in the same circle for quite some time. Work, shoot, work, ... for the whole of last week. Been doing a lot of thinking about things that revolves around me. I was so blinded by certain factors, I didn't realize how hard I have fallen. Perhaps I should pull back a little, just a little. Don't wanna get hurt at the end of the day, or .. i'll.. nah.. not die.. DUH.. I'm just doing it all with whole. At least I have done my part, do it with no regret.
Live and Love. Who will be there for me when I fall, when I'm at my weakest point, when I need a hug most, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to lend, to take care of me and make me feel like a princess.. a guardian angel perhaps. I don't know what I do at times, its just for the sake of doing it. uhh..-what?

As for that someone of mine, its.. err.. yEngs should know best. I just have no say bout it all. Its drivin me nuts.. vulnerably in love.. with tears. fuck.

As for my social life, it has been pretty interesting actually. Dixon's birthday party, Port Dickson with yEngs, weekend parties, class trip to Bukit Tinggi, tried new stuffs, new working experiences,... and I just got through my third interview for the LIMA event this coming Dec. awesome! despite the fact that I'm gonna miss everybody here for over a month. fuck, again. Come, go to Langkawi with me. Meet up and party on our own there, with boosts, fags, dates, shoppings and a whole lot more. I know.. I know.. the pictures.. Gimme some time and I'll post it all up in one shot aight? and again, I need to stretch out.. new faces.. argh.. STRESSED! Finals next week and I'm done. but still.. stressed.


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