Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Drink with Alan Tan

Grace, Cindy and I had lunch at the Chinese shop near B1 block in college today. Been rushing our ICC assignment since yesterday noon. Brainstorming may be stressful, at the same time, working our karat brain is definitely not a bad thing to do. It was fun, especially when the things you do turned out looking good,like MINE.. like hell satisfaction. Back to where I was, all I am trying to say is, we worked our brains too much that we left the shop without paying for our food and no one even noticed or remembered. Not until evening, when I got a message from Cindy telling me about it and that was how it hit me instantly. Hilarious.

Drove home after going on a tour with Grace around block C just to find for the E.C.A room, what ever that stands for.. I wanted to enquire about the club activities in college as well as taking up French as an extra subject. Taylor's blardy hell pathetic I tell you.. All clubs are inactive according to Mr...something something.. Like waddefarkk??

I hit the gym after packin my stuffs, and went on the thread mill for half an hour until I saw Alan Tan. Mr.Hottie's lookin good as ever, workin on biceps as usual.. we had a drink at Kim Gary afterward and left after a looooooooong chat. It was good meeting an old friend again, always been. Both his and Aipeng's birthday falls on the same day! Now how should I split myself.. hmm..


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