Thursday, November 01, 2007

Can The Day Get Any Better?

I was thinking to myself, "..two more days till finals start.. gotta start studying today..". And so, I drove to college, found no parking space and finally decided to park at the Jockey. Stopped my car at the jockey counter, grabbed my stuffs and stepped down as I told the jockey to park my car. Nicely walking up to the library, thinking to myself.."wei hui's a nerd today. study study." Got my locker key, locked my bag in, with my books, a jacket and two phones ( i thought there were two), I walked in searching for an empty table. Half a minute had passed when I noticed one phone missing. My new SONY! FUCK.

I ran back to search in my locker, went down to the jockey and searched in my car, it was no where to be seen. Quickly, I called my phone and it was fucking OFF-ED. wtff? I could feel my adrenaline rush and I was heating up. Wanted to dig that fucker out and kick him at his crotch if it were to be a guy. I, then, called dad to block my sim card as my 016 is under postpaid plan.

Drove to meet baby at Subang for lunch, but I completely lost my appetite, in addition to that, it was pouring pretty heavily and the rain stopped five minutes after I laid my butt on the seat. Grr.. Went home after that and chipped my nails. FINE. Was cutting the mango and my finger got cut instead and the blood was rushing out like the waterfall. URGH. When I was leaving the house for an interview in KL, I got a call from Joe saying that the interview was cancelled. Dammit.

Can the day get any worse?

James called and asked to meet up for a talk awhile later. Drove to Min Tien, Tmn Mayang and met up with Joe, James and Kiwi*. (weird name huh? hahaha kiwikiwikiwi). After Min Tien was Kayu's, SS2 with Melissa. We had a really long four hours chat. hahah. biasa lar too, you put us togetha and we can chat till dawn babey. We became good friends on the first day working together, so what do you think? I looked like a mess at the end of the night.

It was not my day at all. I swear.

Now I have my three fingers plastered, two on my left and one on my right. However, things turned pretty awesome today. Down with three papers, and found my phone. Yes, my precious phone. I was driving home earlier when my dad called, saying that someone had found my phone and it's now in the programme office. So, I obviously speed back to college to look for it. This pregnant lady came to me, questioned me bout the phone and all.. blablabla.. and finally returned it to me.

Apparently, someone found my phone on the floor at the library and waited for my call till late. But, hello? Didn't I just said that i tried CALLING that phone once I noticed it missing? So, what do you think the real story is? I don't know.

Good Day, mate.


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