Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Yesterday, my first day with Crystal Edge doin telemarketing. It sucked! Well, atleast I don't hafta do sales over the phone..just comfirmed their attendance for some SAP event. Met Tasha, Turgis, and Devan, new pals, colleagues. Slept late the night before that and was feeling darn tired the whole of yesterday that I jumped into my bed right after someone's call and slept till 8 in the morning. I recalled that someone called me when I was half asleep, Muyo then Aipeng. Peng shocked me with the news saying our spm results will be out TODAY and heck? I panicked as I have not prepared any important documents to courier to Sg and some other stuffs lar.. Called someone to share the news and almost broke down after I hung up. I wuz so depressed thinkin bout so many things that I stayed awake for another hour before I dozed off. (Sorry hun, wanted to call you but I couldn't) What am I to do? I want to go but.. my life is HERE. I'm really really gonna miss everybody. How am I to adapt the new faces and lifestyle? and leave ones I love behind..it aches. Only if I could move everybody there with me.

I'm afraid of getting hurt. Last wish of spending the rest of my days here with you, happily.


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