Thursday, February 22, 2007


Last night sure was wild.
Had Mcd's after fetchin Jo.

The guy at the counter : *Taking our order and stuff* (that was then)
(While we were waiting...)
Jo : M* was like "Baby,......dadadadada..."

The guy at the counter : BaBY dO yOu wanT BaBy nO bArbeQue SaUce.%$#@&???

Like WTF??? We burst out LAUGHIN at his silly face and I could not help it but to walk aside and continue laughin while Jo had to control herself as she's makin' an order. That dude was like EMBARRASSED and speechless. Big time joker. After meetin up with Muyo at Starbucks we headed to Kota Damansara. Wondering why? Cause Muyo's friends, Gan and Siang's houses were there. I didn't know the way to Maison's so I made Muyo take over the car and that two guys tagged along. They were checkin ID that night but we all managed to get in. =) Sweet. Jo's friends were all over the place. Met up with Fung How and Diandran a while later. Funghow wanted to be a gentleman and buy me a drink but I rejected by accident. Woopsie. (Didn't mean it hun.. You can buy me another next time. ) Ended up havin a shot each of Bombay Sapphire Gin and Tequila. Then Muyo handed two glasses of some drinks later. A mixed ones, JD I guess? Damn.. Didn't get to drink much at all but the smokes went into my eyes makin me feeling darn uncomfortable. Couldn't walk straightly for an hour or two but was sober.. Oh Jo's not for sure. Some fool spiked her drinks, or should I say, handed her an E. Nutcase man. She was totally gone that night. Left only when the club's closing. Sham went to get her in the end. Got summore story but lazee to type already. Keep on guessing. =P Fetched Muyo home and headed home later. Oh, we got lost in KL before that. Wuteva that is, I reached home in one piece. Nuff said. What a night, sweet and fun. But a mess.

Had a great time with you too hun.


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