Thursday, February 15, 2007

After a long day at work.

Dum.. Dee. Dum!
Hello Roy, Sayuloveme..
Hello Friday, What a good day. OH.. it's ma

*yawns* Had the best sleep ever!

Work ended earlier by an hour and I reached home at 6+ so it doesn't make any difference anyways. On my way back, I received a missed call. Gawsh.. can't you just CALL ME? It was Vince, he's at Wai Kit's house because.. erm.. hahah. long story. So I walked to Wai Kit's place after the rain stopped and they were watchin PORN then, claims Vince and Waikit. I SO-LOVE Waikit's niece!!!!! SO fcukin ADORABLE~!!!

p/s: better keep her close to you or ill break into your house some night and carry her home with me!!! *tongues out*

The undecided peops in the car ended up at William's. Ooo I had the
Ribena-Longan after so long. Awhile after we settled down someone suggested to call Alfred.

Vince: No need to call him wern.. I called him so many times and he didn't once make it.
Waikit: *calls Alfred*...Oh.. he's comin.

We were practically makin' fun of one another's history* know, who dated who.. who liked who..and Vince had to tell us all the dumbiest story bout himself makin' him the
*foolish-est guy on earth!*. Well, just for a laugh says he. Thats why we so love you vince! Mwachs! ahaha.. nawt forgettin' the BarbaRIANS too. *laughsoutloud*
Alfred spontaneouly spitted at Vince by accident.. luv the barbarianss..

I got home at round' ten. After all the
tummy cramps resulted from laughin too much..
See the difference in my blog layout? Dunnoe whatdefcuk happened to the previous one. Gawsh.. my counterstat thingy's GONE!!! it hit 2000+ already when i lost it. Sadness..

Texted-messaged Muyo for the entire day. The
busy lil'boss. I clearly know what you're up to but.. I dunnoe larh.. Just gowiththeflow.. ~~

P/s: Roy the king! There, you're mentioned. U suCKS! mwachs you...


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