Sunday, February 11, 2007

There goes my Saturday. Off to work at 10.oo in the morning, and left Klang at four. Aipeng dropped Vince and I at Axis Tower then I went up to C floor after Vince left. Later at round' 8, dad dropped me at KJ station and I waited for almost an hour just because Nick was stuck in the heavy traffic. I ended up waiting for him at TJ station. =S
Met Jo, J.Kit, erm.. another friend of Jo which I've forgotten who. WoOopsiee..
Ee May and her friends were there too, not forgetting blacckiee.. Owh.. almost forgot, Muyoo and friends was there. Practically everybody laa..Nuff said.
Foos a lil, pool a lil, fooled a lil.. there.. my Saturday night.
- J.Kit and Vince made fun of me.. "high fat low protein" wutdefcuk?? U wait..
- Nick had a bowl of Bak kut teh (I saw... in the kitchen) EEww So unhygienic.
Vince says: "High protein, low fat"
- Kept Andrew anxious bout *ahem*
- Foos with Muyo and friends
- Camwhored with Jolene and Chayz (juz one shot)
- Havin a guy, Wai Kit whom I have not been spoken to in centuries, drop me home.
- Almost got heart-attack because of Aipeng, AGAIN!

Sunday, which is today, I went for a walk at The Curve. You know, the usual things they have there..flea markets..LION DANCE *HATED EM*.. In Aussino, I shockingly bumped into Easter , really was shocked. She tapped me on my shoulder and I was like.. *turn around* *look around* *"OHH!!! EASTER!"* Totally made a fool outta myself. tsk tsk.. She's lookin all-so-different now. See how much can a person change in just a 365 days. Sigh. So did we.


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