Monday, February 12, 2007

Beautiful Day..

Another beautiful day it is. Currently listening to 'We Are The Reason' by Avalon. A beautiful song that touches my soul every time I listen to it. Also, 'Just so you know' by Jesse McCartney and Don't forget to remember me' by Carrie Underwood.

I had been trying to upload a track to Ripway since last night and I failed. But..Why??

Ohh.. today is the abz-sazz-wheyz outing day. So when you hear me saying outing, I mean Shopping. Again, we went to Telawi street. But this time, to get my pair of heels which I've changed my point of view of it in the end and ended up grabbing a few pieces of
Cat Whiskers garments.
Absalutely love what I bought.Shoes at shoes shoes shoes sure are HAWT but it's way too costly for a pair of heels. So we proceeded to Bakerzin to grab a bite. Oooh.. Yummy.. We've got the creamy, salty, and sweetie. yeah.. we still loved Abigail's plate of food though. lol. An hour later they followed me into Bangsar's Village to check out the Guess bag I fell for at The Curve yesterday. DAmn! They don't have it there.. It almost tore my heart apart.. *sobs* It's like the Athena range which is quite large in size.. Will definitely get it when I got my red packets no matter what! So yeah, back to work tomorrow. Call me if ya wanna go for lunch.
p/s: Huns only.


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