Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fantastic settings and people.

CNY's sort of.. over. Ang Pao collecting season has officially ended, i guess. I luv luv luv many people!! Hmm.. But there're these few ones who still upsets me. Sorry, names cannot be mentioned. Phoebe & her family went back to Singapore yesterday. Hmm.. will be seeing them soon, hopefully. *Crossed fingers* Hit the gym at 1 this afternoon and bumped into Wai Kit on the way out. Someone's looking fitter already. (Keep it up babe.) Then I got changed at home then drove dad's car, for the FIRST time on my own, to Ivan's house. Yeah.. On the way up the hill my car almost died and there were these few sports cars at the back of me so i KIASU and I stepped harder on the accelerator and I managed to drag my car up. lol. Ivan witnessed everything, so darn embarrassing! At his place there were only two girls who I know, Chayz and Jaybebe. Others, Nas, Pregash and all lar.. All guys. =_=" Later I drove to A & W at round' six with Chayz and Ivan then met up with Sara. So, being the NICE me, I drove her to Kaylee's place and chilled for a while cause Sara wanted to dress her up, like she'll wear what she asks her to? Being afraid that Pastor Foo will be there.. sigh.. Oh and yah, totally forgot that I got stucked at the traffic near Amcorp because of the STUPID HILL! My car almost rolled backwards okay.. Thank God I pulled the hand break fast enuff. Geezz..I hate MANUAL cars man. Next time if I were to get a car, hell NO im gettin a manual. So yeah, reached Daryll's place at round' 7 where everyone had started diggin in. I hardly know anybody there except Purdy, Denise, Izaat, and Daryll. The rest are all by names only. (SOMEone ffk-ed me) Babe, you gotta prove it and gain my trust or I won't fall for it just like that. Daryll got thrown into the pool, wait, no, he jumped into the pool. Showing off his sexy body and all.. hahahx.. A fantastic guy. Owh, I also met a new friend named Shaz. Cool name ehh? His job's cool too. Hahaha.. lets go shisha soon man.. Party ended with a simple blessings session. It was the first time I witnessed these things. I was touched, indeed. Was counting stars and serenading some songs while waiting for the people to take leave. The settings and musics was jUst RIGht, you know.. slow music.. slow dance.. oh-so-romantic. Dropped Sara and Kaylee back then stoned in the car. Actually I was supposed to meet up with someone after that but he was at the police station. Gawsh.. drift summore larh.. You totally scared me last night!


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