Saturday, March 24, 2007

Long post

A LONGGGGGGG post that is...........


The 24th of March sure was a TIRING DAY.

In the afternoon the two crazy women went to Subang; FTZ to hand some T-shirt design to some dude. A dude who was emo-ing. yah.

Peng's baby was there too.

He joined us for a drink later on at ac where we met a couple of our friends.

Tasha & Turgis; my colleagues, Melissa; our hmm.. long lost friend.

Yeah, the girls who were supposed to shop, did not shop.

Instead, we headed home and stone.

Tell me bout it.

Later I drove to Mayang.

Cut it short.

Picked Muyo up.

From Riley to Asia cafe to USJ11.

Foosed, Stoned, Foosed, Yumcha, Shisha.

Oh, Jeremy was with us at usj.

That dude's like.. HYPERACTIVE man..

Parked his ATOS nicely for him without knowing the handbrake's up.

Silly me, I know. Shh.

Speed home later as it was way passed my curfew; 2am.

Guess what? I got the news of some bytch's pay got reducted. Yeay me!

That's what he gets for trying to get Vince in trouble.

You got served sucka.


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