Sunday, March 25, 2007


Your Daughter Is in Gay's Hands.

Ahahaha So CUTE!

Have you ever tried a random outing? As in, hangout with bunch of people you hardly know OR THEY hardly know each other?
1) Calls a couple of friends; you hardly know, met him once or twice only, got him to bring his friends along..etc etc..
2) Socialize with all of em'
3) Bam! There, clicked*
In my case, I called Muyo, Ivan and Dixon.
Dixon brought his friends over, Ivan stoned.
A night of drinking and camwhoring with the guys sure was heaps of fun, indeed.
Met new friends, a couple of Sarawakians; Malcolm, Silas*, Kiki, and whole lot more.
Saddeessssttttt part was, I got sore eyes from JoonKit the night before that. =_=!!
Oh, and had to leave when the fun part comes in, dance.
Enuff of stories, let the pictures to the talking, as usual.


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