All the randoms
Then I got this into my head..
My given-away baby Browniee.
Then you would probably see me stoning all the way..
Finally, couldn't take it anymore.
And you got this..
Come on-lah. Be a lil' tidsy-bits more understanding. WHeyz CANNOT stress and work under pressure or in ZERO..NOTHING will go into my head. Seriously.
I've got a really really long pinochio break after today and I'm gonna fill those empty spaces with incoming $$, if ya know what I mean. Ka-CHing!
Jan got her car back yesterday and she was so baboony happy.
Wheyz: *talk talk talk.............*
*sound of a car hon*
Jan: *interrupts* You hear that?!!!
Wheyz: Hear what?
Jan: The car hon! My car's back!!!!! AHAHHAHAA!!!!!!!! *jumps over the phone*
Don't be mad. I know you'll still love me.. muax muax.! *winks*
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