Friday, May 04, 2007


You Are Boyish Sexy

You're the kind of girl who gets along with all the boys
Whether it's holding your own in a game of touch football...
Or kicking some major butt while playing Xbox.
You hang with the guys easily, while still keeping your girly sexiness.

Your Kisses Are Medium-Hot

Your kisses are definitely sexy, but you're not about to make anyone gasp for air.
You take it slow and steady... and you ramp things up when you get the right signals.
Your kissing style is adaptable and adept. And people who kiss you love it!

You Are 71% Sexy

Your Sex Appeal Is: Extremely High

You're very sexy. You just have that certain something that takes over a room.
You know how to attract, entice, and keep whoever you want. You are truly appealing.

You Are 12% Jealous

You aren't jealous in the least, and it's a very good thing.
You are content with your own life, and you're proud of who you are.
And you are able to be truly happy when a friend has things go their way.
You're confident, capable, and full of high self esteem. Keep it up!

You Are 28% Spoiled

You're barely spoiled. You may have some nice things, but you never let them go to your head.
You appreciate each gift you're given - and you don't dwell on what you "deserve" to have.

Your Personality is 50% Addictive

You may have an addictive personality, but you have it mostly under check.
Just don't start any new bad habits, okay?

Why am I even doing this?


A question to the guys.

Do you guys tend to not look into our eyes when you talk just because you're lack of confidence or you're shy? Argue your reasons.

A question to the girls.

How do you consider a guy attractive and a girl bitchy?

A question to the gays and lesbians.

No life-ahh??

p/s: Jan.. you ar.. now my boobs turn to sakit. =S


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