Tuesday, May 01, 2007

My language.

My Own language.

Three unpredictable, Two out of Three, One unknown.

How easy is it for someone to actually say "it'll take months to get over it" and how hard is it for someone to actually do it. Actually no, it's all in the mind, the devil's work. All they can do is, 'select' and 'delete' . It will only take days. All sorts of nonsenses will take up that space. It doesn't matter anyways, it's just another 'one' we encounter. a lil' confusing? yeaa, I knoe. Time heals, and yeah, it sure did. Wait.. why the word 'heal' when it isn't an injury? Moreover, it wasn't the chosen one and we knew it from the start. It's just so predictable. As in, everything. Blame the fate which kept me hangin' here, as if you know what I mean. Or I would have avoided all these conflicts and lived a new life. Well, it isn't as bad as I thought though. At least I get to keep the twoe in sight and now, another one? aww.. De sexy lips. (Cind would knoe) jengjengjeng! The mystery will soon be revealed. But come on.. it will never be easy. One out of three? *minimyniminimoo..* *whichoftheeffortscharmsmemore..* *claps* Two freaggin good years to live. to choose. to love. So why shouldn't I just enjoy it? do it nice and slow. heyhey.. but I do know which I want most alright but it just doesn't seem right. The charismatic dress, the cute skirt, or the sexy blouse.


Here are some of the random pictures taken last week.

More pictures on yesterday comin up.


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