Thursday, April 05, 2007

Locked out.

I got locked outta the class for the very first time on my third day of college. Ms Rosaline's got menopause already I guess. I was just late for five blardy minutes. Have mercy you woman. Kay, it started off like this. I reached col at 7 something this morning and I couldn't spot anyone but Gan so I decided to join him and this girl whom I forgot her name. ( Sorry babe ) We didn't realize that SB has left her table until awhile later when we all rushed up to class. Siang was biting on his *siew pao* on the way up. lol. We tried entering the class but that SB had locked the damn door. We had no choice but to chill another 2 hours before the next class started. What a day man. Came early to be late for class? wtf man.. Gotta learn to wear my watch now. I'm just so lazy to put it on every morning. So yeah, let it be it. Last day of col..till next monday. argghh.. can sleep. mwachs ya'll.


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