Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hawt Singaporeans

Why is everybody asking me " Is that the pic??"
Why is everybody telling me " Don't be KIASU when you come home.."
Why is everybody trying to *psycho* me and make me stay and go to Taylor's?

Ahh... I so love you guys..

I had lunch with babes yesterday, chilled with Muyo and Dixon in the evening..
Ever been to Magical Theatre at Sunway Piramid? I saw a RAT the size of a KITTEN there.
Spookyy? Yeah, especially when you're someone like me who fears RATS.
I got to know a couple of new Singaporean friends lately. Friendly, nice and not forgetting to mention.. H.A.W.T! Wei Hui will keep you posted bout that. *winks*

Let's do some countdown here.
Today, the 31st of March, the last day of the month.
6th of April, the coming Friday, the day i'm gonna know whether am I going or not.
*crossed fingers*
Like what Stephen said.
I'll live well there.
Minus the doing-my-own-laundry part.
Peng tried to tempt me to stay with the all-girls-favourite Australian Silky Terrier.
I said : A guy buy me one, i'll love him more.
AS IF..he's my boy.
Stay tuned for more..
LovaDova, Me.


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