Tuesday, April 03, 2007

First Day of Taylor's

Yesterday was such a disastrous day. I received my 'rejection' letter from the poly, stupid issues with my uncle, dad's paranoid-nessss towards boyfriends and joined Nick and all to celebrate Joon Kit's birthday WITHOUT the birthday boy there. and Rush SUCKS big time. It was my first time there, the crowd was dead and the music they played SUCKS. Ohh.. and there were Discovery Channel..wtf? Hence, we left bringing our Chivas along. I went home straight cuz dad was makin noises. I fcukin hate my uncle for being so fcukin busybody. grr..

Today, my very first day at college. Tell you what.. it SUCKS. Why? Cuz I've missed two blardy weeks of lessons and I know NOTHING right now. I've already got an assignment and the exam's like two weeks from now. Gawshh.. I'm so not prepared for all this shyts. Help me please... People in my class is funny. ain't beeetchy at least. A new friend I made, Grace, is really nice and helpful. hahh.. lucky me. Ee May and Jolene's there.. yeay! Hope this coming 2 1/2 years would be awesome. *crossed fingers*. People* at the back had to call out my name LOUDLY making everybody in class turned to look at me like some OMGWHOSTHATGIRL. geezz.. Mayz's friends are really crazy..in the good way I mean. Hilarious group of peops. I just can't wait for my friends to come back to college from their breaks. yeay! One more week to go... Thursday and Saturday will be a busy night. I don't feel like goin to one of it already. Due to my over-jumbled stresses and all.. Ill see.. Ill see if I could make it. I don't wanna fail my first exam man. O Lord save me.


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