Thursday, April 12, 2007

All bout second week of college.

Gayness indeed. wtf?
Scrap that. Something must have gone into my head. Perhaps a screw had loosened.
This' like the second week of college. And its THURDAY! yeay Friday.
Well.. Everything that revolved round' me were awesome.
The peops, the new study environment, the dramas..
Minus the assignments and presentations.
okay okay..the names are Jennifer, Joel, Agam, Kenny, Cindy, Grace and a whole lot more!
Of course, Jolene and Mayz whom I've known since high school.
*ChoDaiDee* 's definitely our thang.. WORD..
(see..words i've learnt from the loonies..)
Chermaine*, Azrin, Shang Hong and that gang..
youknowwhothere are..
Everything wasn't going so well at first till I've settled down for good.
Dramas, tell me bout it.
Some jackass bastard named Scott. Mothafcukinbytch. Lucky you for not gettin slapped.
Durin presentation at Anubahv's class, they watched PORN.
gawsh.. yuck man..
Stop invading my privacy! I have no porn in my lappy. Shoo Shooo!!
The lecturers were alright. All except Rosaline who creeps me at times. Fierce, really. But a pretty decent lady who tripped in the lecture theatre.
*scratched head*
I've just sat for her first paper today. It was the mid term exam.
Wasn't as tough as i thought it would be.
*crossed fingersz*
More assignments and presentations in the cue.
I'm a busy lady ya knoee..
Since the first day of class, I've been given a several names.
Molinjaa, Susan, Suzzi, Bob, Slapmydingdong..blahblahblah!
Today's demonstration with Kenny was pretty stupid. Annoying sial.
I acted as the guy while he as the girl. He had to annoy me while I was trying to hit on a girl. *its not real*
It was funny tho.
Haven't seen baby in a while though we kept in touch daily.
SMS makes life simple and sweet.
The rapport's just not so there anymore.
Why so? Several factors which are quite inappropriate to be mentioned here.
Of other individuals maybeee? yes or no..wobuchetao.
Classroom7's like our daily hangout place already. Like a habit or some sort.
Cindy said 70 percent of our classmates, smokes, which excludes me and her.
Yeay us. Cheers!
I haven't once got to play pool nor foos yet.
whyy arr?
The gays will always be gays.
The sexciteds will always be sexcited.
Read that you guys! =P
Yikess.. Does anybody know how to pronounce 'Haute' ?
Currently workin on an presentation on that.
Me stupid? Likee you're any betterrr..
mwachs mwachs.
Smile for me.


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