Saturday, May 12, 2007


Assalamualaikumm Mr.David.

He's suffering at the National Service camp right now, at this time, this minute, this very moment...
He said he shot a gun. (I thought you shoot with the gun?)
He said me met a lot of good friends; Sinister people, lame people..('re damn cool lar)
He said the activities there are fun (6 freaggin meals a day yo)
He said he misses ME! (yeay!)
He said he misses ALL OF US! (like DUh-uh)
He said he misses STEAK (babi you..)
I kinda miss him too.. hahaha.. (just said it to make him a happier man =p)
LAUGHIN BUDDHA..who smokes..who clubs..who farts..booHoooo!


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