Monday, December 18, 2006

Soul-sizz & I

Last night after working, we drove Aipeng out to join us for supper. There this old indian man came up to us and gave me this note he wrote. Later he wrote another and gave it to us. I saw him drinkin a bottle of beer earlier so i bet he's drunk. lol. He's so emotional. For the very first time we went out with three cars today. The funny thing bout it is that Aipeng, Ebelin and Kenjoe are the drivers. In the morning round' 11.30 aipeng and ebelin both drove to my house. Then we picked up Elissa and drove to SS2 to have Dim Sum. (that place's price is like double the price of the usual dimsum restaurants.. =S) On the way there, something really funny happened. I accidently directed aipeng into the opposite lane! THANK GOD there weren't any cars comin from the front or we'll be dead by now. Then later David and Kenjoe met us at A Little Dim Sum. After lunch, we drove back to my house and when i wasn't aware, Aipeng bang-ed kenjoe's car when she was doin three-point-turn. Darn reckless! Aipeng's Myvi bang Kenjoe's Kancil. Who's car got more damage from that BANG? Aipeng's Myvi. lol! The Kancil is still perfectly normal. Sad case. Later, Aipeng drove DAvid to sec14 then we drove Elissa home. After that we all went to Ebelin's house. Chilled a lil, camwhored with Dollar and Kenjoe then went to Midvalley to catch a movie. Before the movie, i changed the size of the shoe i bought few weeks back and bought 6 boxes of Pineapple Tart for my aunt later. There i saw someone i really didn't wanna see. blueghhh.. After movie Cyuen came and drove us to the night market to buy some foods back to ebe's place. HAhHhh.. Bum into Kim and her mom. Looking all so diFF* . lol. Its her.. can i say more? Then after dinner at Ebe's place Kenjoe drove me home. What a sweeet soul-sizz.. Typical.. Earlier he was buggin me to bring Panadols and Ubat Minyak up the bus tomorrow. lol. I really dislike the smell of ubat minyak.. YucKs.. but.. I appreciate that kenjoe.. lol! Mcm perempuan weh....hahaha. Peng will be leavin to Cameron tomorrow and The Kancil will be sent to the mechanic too. So see ya guys after four days. Take care babes!


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