Sunday, July 08, 2007



Hey ya'll sexays and non-sexays!

It has been days since I last lay my hands on the computer. Reason? I was at Johor-Melaka, working for Hotlink.

If you think you're HOT, get HOTLINK. If you think you're NOT, get HOTLINK to BE HOT! SSssSSSSss... HOT!

Friday morning, we gathered at Hartamas. Guess who was there? JOE!!!!! She was working as well. Hap-pe-NING... We stayed at the Tropical Inn hotel on the first night at Johor. The hotel was alright, you know.. the usual one queen one single one bathroom one telly one sofa kinda thing. Since there's a DUTY-FREE Zon there, of course we rushed there lar kan? Bought some Chocolates, Virginia's, Karelia's, Stella's and Benson & Hedges (David's). We didn't buy much as we could have gotten it all at a cheaper price else where. Ben bought 6 or 7 cartons of ciggie, Joe bought two big packets of Hershey's and beers, Jessie bought chocolates and Virginia's. I tell you, Joe & Ben are such heavy drinkers. After shopping we head down for boosts at Modesto. The bill came out surprisingly cheap. Duty free wert... Nights after nights we had cans of Tiger's & Stella's. Ben quoted "Beers' good for your sore throat" Yeah Yeah.. he made my throat sore even more. What's the spelling for Barley-ice ?, T-I-G-E-R. =_=ll Both Jesse & Joe have their dears & daddy's.... ishish.. Talkin on the phone almost 24/7. Mengader-nyerr... heheh.. OOh..OOhh.. The Bolster!! hahahhhh!!!! how cute.. Second night, when we were at Melaka, we stayed at the Strait Meridien. This cha-pa-lang looking MOTEL, I should call it. But the room was actually kinda nice if it were to be a studio room. My roommates were Joe, Ben, and the official oh-so-feminine gal which we all adore, Jesse. The best of the best colleagues I've ever worked with. Luv em' much! Was supposed to be in Angie's room but it was full. So yeah, SORRY!!!!! Speaking of the event, they're both the MYTEAM event. You know.. Malaysians auditioning for the MALAYSIAN team. They're playing against Indonesia in October. Both days we stood under the hot sun. Gained: Uneven tan line. TERRIBLE ones! Not mentioning they're all MALAY's at the events. Indians and Chinese's, no where to be seen! We made quite number of sales at both the events though. Perrr-roud! I and another girl actually thought Eric, this this...GUY..the Maxis fella, was kinda hot at first. UNTILLLL... we heard all bout him from someone. Then, Nah..not so hot no more. In the team we had two Kenny's, three Euan's, and two Joe's. Farny shit. It's like when you call out one of their names, both of em' will turn around and say "what". Overall, the team is DA-BOMB! Next destination, up north. I just can't wait to see them all again! weeee!!!

Last Thursday, Mays, David, Alfred and I headed down to Maison-Loft-Maison to meet Chermaine and Zen. Leyvin, Siang, Gan and friends were there too. Sweets. Maison was motherfcuking boring! So we left to Loft where we partied like monkeys! No more elaborations on that aytee.. All I know is, it was HAVOC and we all loved it.

All pictures will be uploaded in a day time. Be patient.


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