Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A Malaysian Dedication

This is why I LOVE Malaysia.
Chinese: Eh deyh.. Ini Roti Canaii kah?
Malay: Panddiiii.. you bijak mah.. tak payah tanya pun tahu lah
Indian: This Hou Hou Sek lah. Try it with Kaya nicer.
(Sorry, don't make me write in Chinese or Indian)

You see, Malaysian culture is so typically bold. Rojak languages which we all practise. Chinese, Indian, Malay all speaking one another's languages in their own way by mixing the words up. For instance, mah-kah-deyh and all sorts of nonsense. This is Minglish babeh! Nasi Lemak of three different styles, Fried Kuey Tiao and even the rice is cooked differently. You name it, we have it. Don't we all love it! DA-yuMMs

This is why I HATE Malaysia.
Rempits, LaLas, Machans!
Motorbikes, Trumpet Pants, Carrot cuts (Though its an IN thing right now), Straightened flat hair styles, and.. and... urgghh. Disgrace to all Malaysian popularity. Agree not?
No doubt the weather is awfully HOT all year round, we still managed to produce people who wears long sleeves and jeans under the hot sun with no airconds. Can you believe it? The only time I would wear em's when I'm having lessons in the very low temperature lecture hall or when I'm in the mall on weekdays. Even so, I would pair them up vice versa. Meaning, either a short skirt with long sleeves or jeans with sleeveless/short sleeves.

I obviously ain't racist. Neither am I sexist. And I'm straight by the way. Inane, I know. Nobody's perfect and again, I know. Out of fifty apples, there definitely will be some rotten ones. Get what I'm trying to portrait here? And if, by any chance, you are one of them, sorry lah. Deal with it, cuz I ain't the only one who shares that thought.


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