Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Spinning Head, The After Effect Of D'Haven

I'm feeling rather drowsy right now and it is freaggin 8:19 in the morning! What the fcuk is wrong with me man. Okay fine, I had too much of alcohols last night and I slept late so I should, actually, still be sleeping soundly right now but I have no fuckin idea why I couldn't. Something must have gotten into me.

A^You go to the front, turn right and right again..no need to wait for the u-turn..
B^Oh..okay okay

*drives to the front, turned right and right again*

A^Whatthefuck??? wrong lane!! wrong lane!! you're in the opposite direction!!
woahhh!!! AHHHhhhh!!!Die ahh Die ahh!!!!! AhHH GOT CAR!! got CAR!! Wahh that wuz dAMN close weyh..scary mannn you!!!!

A&B^*laughed non-stop*

B^SHYT!!! you almost killed me mannn!!!!! Stupid directions and distractions!!!

Cheers mann..

It started off like this. I went to the salon for a trim at TTDI in the noon then off to Piramid for a re-dye. Supposed to do: meet Kenn, meet Vince, meet Mel (to get/give something to them)
In the end, Kenn was busy, Vince forgot to bring my thing, Mel was busy.
So, before leaving, I grabbed a bite of Sushi on my own thinking that there won't be much food at home. David a.k.a CW phoned when I was at the AC-Summit-Sunway-USJ roundabout(whatever name that is). Half way throughout the conversation, my phone died. I was like wtfwtf???!!!! So I got all so desperate searching for a charger that I ended up at this BARBER where the ah-Neh offered me a charger.

*Hops down the car* *rushes to the..urhm..*

Me: PakCIk!! PaKcik!!! Got charger ahh?? My phone just died!!!!
Pakcik no.1 at the kedai runcit: Sorry lar gal, don't have.
Pakcik no.2 at the barber: Come come.. I got charger.. go in and charge.

How kind of him to lend me a charger. God bless him!
Then, David came with Joe Win and friends. Joe Win, BE THAT WAY!!!
Called almost everybody I know, sort of, and finally got Vince to come along.
Picked him up at the Bangsar station then he started his nonsense larh. Bangin' me non-stop again. Typical. Ended up at D'Haven where David's chiq, Su Jean and her siblings and friends were at. I kinda like that place, so relaxing that it sets the mood and the atmosphere's there. Highly recommended. *Thumbs up* We three first thought there were gonna be just a couple of them there, then WOW!
One, twoe, threee, four, five,.............nine, then another two, and another three.. o.O?!
WOKayyss.. David felt loaded so he paid for the drinks, sorta. *Opens his wallet*

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred.......SIX hundred. WTF?

Attention to all potential robbers, here's an ultimate victim for you.

He's half the size of Louis Khoo though he styled his hair like his, so you can spot him pretty easily. HAhahHhhs!!

It was pretty boring at first till we started playing Bing Bang BAMM! Lost and lost and lost. Drank and drank and drank. That was how it ended larh. David drove my car cause I was pretty much wasted. Dropped Vince home, and again, I forgot to get my cam from him. =_=ll

Chilled at Dav's for a while to sober up a little as I played with Didi, his adorable Shih Zu, then drove home. Nighty nights! Here I am sitting down here with sparks of twinkling stars and lil' fat chirping birds circling above my head like the halo. ....................................Drop dead.
o:) Am I in heaven yet?


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