Saturday, December 23, 2006

HoHoHo!!! Merry Christmas everybody! I just got back from Singapore last night. Darn tired. My cousin and I went there on the 19th with Aeroline. Nice bus but the toilet is extremely SMALL. I think it can only fit mid-sized people at max. There hardly is any space to move nor stand. Can you imagine how small that is? The only section i love is the Lounge where i spent approximately 3 hours there watchin 13 going 30. Comfortable sofa seats with blankets for each passengers. Being served like VIPs felt so good. But heck? It's juz a damn BUS! Not a plane.. =_=* Arrived at round' 2 in the afternoon and it was raining then. Uncle Richard & Phoebe was already there waitin for us when we arrived. It was raining quite heavily then but we managed to checkout Nanyang Poly. That campus is as big as a mall with elevators and lifts. I could not find any course that im interested in and so, we left. It rained heavily non-stop for the entire day so we didn't get to shop at all. On the second day, Uncle Richard drove us to Singapore Poly. One HUGE campus that is. The most established one too but the buildings looks new. Luckily uncle drove or we'll be travelling around the campus with the BUS. See that's how big the campus is. After that, he dropped me and CY at Bugis shopping complex and gave us $120 each. WoOoHoOooo.. From there we went to Orchard Road and it was around 6 then. We went to Takashimaya, Tangs and a few more malls. Until we came to the last mall which i don't know what's the name of the mall.. I entered this shop* that sells cool shirts and imported bikinis. Hawt,,hawt..... HAWT DUDES were there to serve me. Damn nice. At the counter was this hawt guy with tanned and built body. Oh-So-Gorgeous.. We chatted a lil' and he told me that he's from Johor and is currently studying at Ngee Ann Poly. HAHAHAaa... He totally melt my heart that night. When i was about to leave, i noticed something was missing. And GUESS WHAT??? It was my package! He had forgotten to give me my things after returning my change. He was so embarrassed. cute.. But after that incident i did not leave right away. Instead, i walked towards the guys section as something cute caught my eye. It was a monkey and banana print BOXER! Thought of gettin it for Kenjoe's Christmas prezzie.. but then i look at it again..wondering what size does he wear.LOL. Then this hawt guy came over to assist me.

That guy: Hey miss, do you need any help?
Me: Yeah... actually i don't know what size does my guyfriend
That guy: owh..describe him..
Me: Hmm... He's VERY SKINNY and small but im not too sure...
That guy: Is he the size of any guy here? Hey..*calls another guys* come here..take off your sweater..
Another guy: WHAT???!#@%^!!?? You take it off la ..why me?
That guy: this girl wants to get the boxer for her friend but doesn't know what's his size. Since you're the smallest sized here........
Another guy: Ohh..Okayy.. sure.. *takes off sweater*
Me: *thinks* hahahahahaha! no..yess??..noo...yess? i dunno..?? this guy's muscular tho he's small.. kenjoe...?#$%^@!& better not.. nah.. actually its juz gonna be a prank
That guy: owh. i see.. then i think you should get this (grabs this G-STRING with pockets at the front for ****) lol
Me: Errrr????!!!??? hmm...interesting..
That guy: juz have to.....(teaches me how to put it on)
Me: wait wait..stop.. dun teach me.. im not gonna wear that..
WE: laughs..

And after checkin out some stuffs there, i left the shop.
Later we went for supper before heading home. When we reached home it was 11.30 already! Uncle Richard's face was ALL-BLACK as he stayed up waiting for us. He even claimed that I was bringing bad influences to my so-called INNOCENT cousin! Fcuk lar! It takes two to clap man! Wuteva then..
On the third day, I took the MRT all by myself to meet Mr.Goh at his office for a short training in the morning as i'll be working for him when im back in M'sia. It took me an hour to reach Maxwell road. So troublesome. Two hours later, after Mr Raymond explained all that i was supposed to know, I left to Bishan to meet up with my cousins. It was almost 4 then and I was supposed to go to Temasek Poly and Ngee Ann Poly. The public phone was outta service and i could not find any way to reach my uncle. It sorta pissed him off but too bad! The campuses closes at 5 so we continued shopping. After Bishan we went to Orchard Road. Checked out Pasific Plaza & Far East Plaza. Bought lotsa accessories. Surprisingly Mambo, Roxy, Stussy and Quiksilver can only be found at Pasific P. Hmm... I really loved the night atmosphere at Orchard Road. Those beautifully decorated Christmas trees and carolings... I juz love it! Its so different from here and in addition, its even safer to travel around there than here. On the last day, we went to Temasek Poly. It looked retarded from the outside but when i stepped in, OH MY... Tremendous! Well, it's WAY bigger than any of the colleges here, a swimming pool, a gym, FIVE food courts, high-tech libraries and study rooms, with TWO big malls nearby and the beach is juz 20 minutes away! ARGHHhhhh..... Im SO GOInG THERE! So yeah. Later in the afternoon my mum came with that sour face of hers and after lunch, we dropped by at Ngee Ann, then aboarded the bus to PJ at the station. I guess ill be goin to the open house at Sg in Jan. Im definitely interested in becoming a future Temasek-ian. Juz gonna pray hard to enter that school! Can't wait for my results to be out! Tomorrow's Christmas eve.. better start plannin with the blurrs and slowss now. kiddin.. Ciao.


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