Saturday, December 30, 2006

Life is all about havin' fun.

Leggy's aching, tummy's rebelling, purse's crying... ARggh..
After work last night, I spent an hour at the gym before going out to meet David with Kenjoe. SLK was being abandoned at David's crib and we switched to David's Proton. Lol..pitiful. It was around 10 then when we reached Amcorp to pick Royston up and left to Asia cafe. I can tell you that he's such a joker. He can really hit balls. Well i mean pool balls, don't get me wrong. Met some friends there, and saw someone i hadn't seen in a really long time. She went through Dramatic changes . Sadly. We all went for supper later. Guess who paid for all agaiN?? Gay-Roy did! It was so hilarious when the food came, we all raced to foot the bill but we failed in the end. Stop treating us like KIDs Roy.. we no longer are. I know you're livin' like a king here but $$ does not fall from the sky ya knoe!!
After supper, we chilled at Roy's apartment. It was our first time there. Our first time to realize how beautiful Amcorp actually is. The panoramic view from his room, the gym and the beautiful swimming pool.. GARSH... and whAT MORE?? He does not pay for any of it! His company did! I wanna slAP your face already you know.. I think I'm gonna tell Mr Goh to take all that away from you! hmpf!

Today, I went shopping with Aipeng at 1U. All i bought was cosmetics. Peng bought quite alot of stuff. We bumped into Ganesh & Ee May in MNG. As usual..SHOPPING. Sweet..
We had dinner at The Peranakan. I dislike the food there. Its like some kampung food. My advice is, Don't Go There.

So now i'm back, sittin infront of the com, BLOGGIN'. Feelin' exhausted and satisfied as i bought the things i wanted. Lol. Satisfaction gained from Shopping!


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