Monday, January 01, 2007

A Brand New Year.

Happy New Year to all my beloveds and the hateds. Another year has passed and now it's the 2007. Everything, everyone, is about to change, for good. To face different changes, both physically and emotionally. Obstacles ahead of us are yet to be known. A different side of each and everyone of us beneath the mask are yet to be revealed. Good or bad, who are we to judge? We celebrates New Year yearly. Whether or not we love it, totally depend on who we're with. Learn to live and love, the way we all deserve. Life is still young, therefore lead them the way we would not regret. Expand the horizon is the best advice. For the young and old, it still is. Dare to take risks, do it adventurously*. Love it, live it. -Phatdolla Darynnedewheyz, Carpe Diem.


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