Saturday, January 13, 2007

Updates updates UPDATES....! Yesterday, the 13th of January 2006, I had my day spent with beloved friends. The occasion is, Ebelin+Ken joe 's birthday which wasn't yesterday anyways. Reached Sunway Lagoon at around 1 o'clock with Aipeng and Ken Joe, then met up with Ebe and Eugene, Eemay and Ganesh, and last but not least, David, Ivan, Liang Fang and Nas. We went on a couple of rides, played with the waves at the wet park, camwhored in the ladies, and ran in the rain in shade of Ebelin's towel.. I shall not go in details ayte? But, it sure was kinda fun. The crowd was quite dead actually, even at Asia Cafe. Had dinner at Ichiban Ramen before leavin' to Subang. My bowl of Tom Yum Ramen tasted good but bloody hell spicy. Over at A.C. I had a bowl of Ice-mix of some sort (Sago-lolo) and it tasted BAD. Well compared to the one I had in Min Tien..yea.

I suck at pool. Tho I beat David once by luck, (Ivan also i think??) I still think I gotta brush up to compete against them. Eemay's like a PRO already under Ganesh's guidance.. Aipeng.. as usual, fooling around with the cue stick but I guess she can play?
As time passes, I, as usual started gettin' bored. SO, being the cam-whore, I dragged David into the picture. Ivan and Ee May then joined in as well. Funnay.. Loved the pics tho coz of the pretty faces in it. =) Later at 11 o'clock, we left A.C. The three of us who were supposed to head home after that, made a detour to Murni's. That place was so packed with all the old's and young's. Finally we got our seats and made an order. Roti Hawaii and Mee Kajang was what we ordered. Tasted good, really. But I much prefer William's Indomee Butterprawn and Ribena Longan. If i were to compare the cleanliness and hygienic conditions of these two places, of course Murni's way better than William's. Need I say more? But hey, bacterias die in high temparatures didn't you know that? So yeah, there goes our supper, adding the few extra calories to our body. As if I'm not fat enuff? Gaswsh! Where'd my discipline go? HahAhh.. p/s: Roy..repeat after me. "I'm GAY and I just can't RESIST reading WEIHUI's BLOG because I'm very VERY BUSYBODY and later, I'd call her and MAKE FUN of her bout all that she's written as I've got NOTHING better to do at the office..."


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