Sunday, January 07, 2007

My Blues

Ever since the year 2006 ended, everything felt so different. As if a part of me was gone and the gone part is being replaced by something new. A total different self. I'm letting go of my past memories slowly, soon, all of it'. The new part of me no longer feel the same way about everything and everybody. As if i've just been reborned. Now a plan has to be made for the days ahead, my future. To live or to die is not for me to decide. But, I believe in Him. I believe that He has everything planned out for me perfectly. Everything that is best for me.
Till then, I'll be walking aimlessly. Doing the same ole' thing day and night like a lifeless* freak. People'll start telling me this, "Eh, you got no life ahh?..?" Yeah yea.. go on.. say whatever you want.. I don't give two fucks.. I've been seeing this solid wall whenever i closes my eyes. I can't see nor get a glimpse of the days ahead. I felt the feeling of loneliness and emptiness in my heart, my life. I live because He live. The stronghold of my life. This journey is tough and I know it. I will be on my own if I succeed. To strive towards success, I need to put myself together include my heart and soul. Just go for it without looking back. There shall be no regret. Oh just Pray. This weak spirit of mine is hungry for strengh, wisdom and guidance.

What if I die in my sleep tonight? Who would cry? Who would care? Who would even ask?

Dear readers. If I die in my sleep tonight, do not cry. Do not pretend to care. Most importantly, do not bother to ask. Just say a little prayer to thank God that you had me.

Here, a statement I shall make. I hate ones who takes no stand on his/her own, ones who absalutely have no self respect, and ones who lives up to other's expectations amd not his/her own.

Why please others and not myself? I am who I am. Proud to be as well. Love it or hate it, deal with it. I'll be nice to the nice and be nasty to the nasty. If I don't stand up for myself, who would? I can't just cry, turn my head away and run home to mama. I don't wanna be JUST that girl, that lil' thing. I don't wanna be THE BEST, I wanna be MY BEST. That way, I will naturally be THE BEST. That is what i learnt from the years before this. Seek no competitions, seek no enemies. Cheers to all you ladies who managed to be who you are today. Make us proud. Be the pride of all women' popularity.


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