Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Bad Day or Good Day?

Despite working like a cow almost every day till I get sore throats, crack lips and blisters, I did have a lil joy of work. Check this out..



Melissa & Monica

And more pictures to come..

Something hit me last night. No matter how great it feels to wash off all dirts, makeups and bacterias off my face after one tiring long day of shopping with my aunt & cousin who came down from Singapore, then a movie with David and Eu Vin, I realise that I should be more careful when it comes to washing the parts near my nose. Why? I've accidentally rubbed my stud AGAIN and it hurts. Too much of run-ons? DEAL WIT IT.

Highlights of the day

-lovely aunt bought me a new purse! She said it's for my birthday present which is like.. in NOVember?

-watched Next instead of Spiderman 3 (cuz SOMEONE said "sure got tic or...")

My current love is for the Samsung's new SGH-U600, the Ultra version.

Gawsh.. How could anybody resist it's's gorgeously Sleek! My 3230 is givin me hell lot of problems lately, literally the battery's the problem. But heck? I want the U600!! Ahh.....!

I've downloaded Prison Break S1 Ep 11 & 12 which is the continuous of where I stopped a week back and I even bought the Music & Lyrics. There's just too much too do, but too little time. Everything turned bad when I fell deadly ill a day before yesterday. Don't wanna elaborate on that. I got positive comments from the organizers anyways so that's a bonus. teehee.. gotta run. ciao.


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