Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Me, Shopping, Friends


The one and only word I so loved and will always love in my vocabulary. The one activity that never fails to put a smile on my face whenever I feel blue. Did that yesterday afternoon, with Mel at Bangsar.

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And I bought..

Too many things.. too little $$ . How sweet would it be for a guy, a soul mate to actually get me a Platinum credit card and pays for it as well. OOOooozzah! We shopped and ate and walked and laughed and did it all the way till midnight. Nah.. not midnight, just dinner time at 9. I picked Aipeng up from her place and headed to Murnis'. After SoOOOOooo long! I finally get to see her pretty face and we, again, did stupid things at the mamak. *ahem* Speaking of the devil, KY showed up, later followed by EUGENE. lol. Murnis' indomee soft shell crab sux big time. The crab tasted like plain flour and the seafood's aren't fresh. yucky yuck yuck! However, hunger lured us into finishing it anyways. No wonder my tummy feels wrong this morning. urgh.. Learn from mistakes.

-The End-


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