Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My 31st of July

Syi****: WUTEVA"


There are times when we get serious ya knoe.. like ONCE IN THE BLUE MOON??

Switch Switch!!!.... You left.. I right.. akh shyt! Cut my face pulak..

Wee.. my face's in.. oops! where's zrin?

Ted: I'm A VamPIRee....GRRRRrrrRRrr...!!!

Ted: Look! Look! I'm stripping! and I've got boobiess!

Ken: OMG.. I'm turned on.. *drools*

Ted: *ngek ngek* I'm so macho..so cool ya knoe.. I'm THE COOL TED

ZRin: eerrhh.. quickly snap the pic and I'm gonna run!

sayang i..

Jenn: *bangs Zrin*

Zrin: what??!! say what??!!

Jenn: *thinks to herself bout how she'll have to walk home tonight* OHHH.. sayaangg.. I luv you!!!! Muachhh muacCChhhh muacCChhhh!!

Our hello-huggy tradition (That's Stitch-Kyle by the way..)

Hey! whatchu tryinna do butt-ing in like that?! Gimme the perks guys!

She claimed that she ain't noisy. Ken still thinks she's noisy. Joe calls her the Man. meanie!

pahaku yang tersangat tebal..aduiihaii.. *bangs wall*

Kyle's engaged! look at his ring! lalala~

Taylorians fav' hangout spot

Urban*Beach*HipHop .. wadda??

Accidental shot of Wei San's boobs *cricket sound*

pouty pouty

Agam: O NOOO.....!!!!!!!!! I lost to a chiq!!!!!!!

Zrin looks like a 16 year old dont you think?

There was this once in Basic Computer Studies, Phua, our lecturer was explaining about computer parts..intranet and all sorts of what so ever..

Phua: #@$%^&%#@#.......This is $%#@@$%......It does.......%$#@

Elsa: %$#@ buta..

Me: WHAT? Buta?

Elsa: nono...Rooter..

Me: Ohh.. rooter..

Anis: *turns around* ROUTER lahh!



Then in Boon's class (Marketing P&P).. something about Leaders & Managers

Boon: What's the difference between a leader and a manager?

*nobody answered*

Boon: You! *referring to me*.. What's...

Me: *wasn't paying attention and made him repeat his question* Ohhh... Leaders LEAD while managers MANAGES.. *gave him the biggest smile possible*

Boon: OKAY... nice one.. *laughs*

Monday, July 30, 2007

Jealousy Of A Fragile Heart

I can't believe that I'm saying this. It's so not like me. Never felt this way, seriously, never did. Jealousy. Is his past still haunting him? Have he let go of his previous relationships, for real? for good? Honestly. Have you?
I don't want to simply get a "yes" just cause that's what I want to hear. I want to know the simple truth. TRUTH.
Those heart aching comments.. posted just a few months back. If one really loved someone SO MUCH, how could he or she move on so quickly?
Don't be selfish. Don't make me her replacement. I will hate you for that.
First the rush, then the distance. What, a test? I really hope I am strong enough for that.

I hope you are too.
I sound really silly for saying these but I can't help but to be paranoid. To be jealous. How stupid am I. How ugly have I made myself look.
The part where a 4 years old relationship of a friend just being broken, scares me. He took IT away from her. I doubt it'll too happen to me.
Ever wondered why my past relationships never lasted? I never once put all trust in them. I was too afraid to expose my vulnerable side. I never once loved.
I've got a bad experience. Not me but my folks. I do not want repetition of such tragedy. I would probably commit suicide if it tragically happen to me. My heart's been broken once and it is now fragile. Break it again and not just my heart will be broken. But my soul too.
This is hard. This is really really hard. I fucking swear it is!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Failed Plans vs Good Day

There it comes again.. it never goes away.. since long ago.. but nobody knew.

Came home at four this morning from James' so-called birthday party which turned out to be disastrous. I mean the plan. From Mardigras to Mystique to Laundry. I've got not much comments on that. At least I enjoyed my glass of a good Strawberry Margarita and a companion of my fellow friends, especially baby. Happy Birthday to James. Cheers big guy.

Awaken by the voice of the man in the house, then the loud drilling noise.. WATDAFUCK?!
It's like what? Ten in the morning? I just fell asleep five hours ago for goodness' sake! I got out of the bed, feelin' drowsy, turned on my laptop and started strucking conversations. Boredom had really got me going nuts when the clock striked 1 and that was when I gave Jo a call to set a date* with her. Say what? Jalan-jalan larh deyh.. Picked her up from S.Manja and dropped by at Jelutong to surprise her friends, Izwan*, Rafiq* and this guy who was given a couple of names which I have forgotten. Hot peops. winx. We later changed our mind about going to The Curve due to the massive jam ahead of us that we made a detour to Asia Cafe. Had yummy stone grill and lou-shi-fun*.

After our late lunch, we proceeded to Amcorp to meet up with her guy, Sham. Boobies was there and guess who else? To my very surprise, Nicky boy was there! I was thrilled after not seeing him since..erm..many weeks ago that I gave him a tightyteddyhuggy. Got owned by Jolene a few rounds at Snooker Arena. Gawsh..Amcorp Mall really brought back memories. The days when my friends and I often skip school and sneak OUTTA school just to hang there with our bunch of friends from other schools. Come to think of it, we were really naive back then. When one says "FUCK" everybody will go like "HORRRRR!!!!!" ..silly gals..
Later, WarCraft started coming into the picture and I had nothing to do as I am not a gamer, I played YouTube till nine something when we left. With Nick at the front passenger seat and with Jo, Sham and Alan at the back, I drove to KJ, where the couple is staying tonight to drop them back. Nick's sick stomach, Alan's broken flip flop and our indecisive selfs led us to a convenient store where we could decide where's our next destination was going to be and so that the guys could get their things. Finally, Nick came up with a brilliant idea which is to find Cheryl. He totally read my mind, I've always wanted to see Cheryl's new born baby girl. Oh my my.. she sure is one pretty infant. Looks pretty much like Joe, the daddy. Haven't I told you that today's both Nick and Alan's lucky day? One stepped on shit and another got shits on his garments without him knowing. Thanks to Joe's Huskies.. Farny like hell.. we just couldn't stop laughing about it. Now Alan, we can say that you're FULL OF SHIT! lols. No hard feelins dude. A while later Tupac and William came. Chilling outside of a house at the compound area was never this fun and not to mention, hilarious. I've got my embarrassing shyts too. Well, of course I'm not so LUCKY, I just got wet patches on my shorts. I did not pee in my shorts alright. It was the leaking pipe behind of the place where I was sitting. I actually did not realise the wetness of my bottom thinking that it was just my numb butt. How stupid. I had to squeeze dry my shorts with tissues and blow dry it. HAH! Karma served Nick for laughing at me, he himself got wet too as he was just sitting right next to me. harharh!! A drink at Devi's after the long chat..and continued our conversations there. Alan is definitely one ultimate lover. His romantic proposing plans, his plan of getting a tattoo just for his chiq (not the ordinary small ones you know. He's getting half his chest tattooed), many sacrifices he had made for her.. Congratulations to him for getting his new job. He can now propose to his girlfriend without any worries-he's got the house, a stable job and a car. Settled.

Would you do that much for me, baby?

I could go on for the whole night about the story but I am just too tired to do so. Gimme a break ayte. Keep the entry short and sweet. Just the way I like it. Toddles.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

March Intake, Us

The Way We Spent Our Four Hours Break
by camwhoring..
in class..
at asia cafe..
we foos.. pool..
some fagged.. some just wondered around..

J: "Cindy.. I got chance arr?" lols

Mayz & Gracey lookin SHweet!

I lub them lotss sayangss..

Cheung Ken & Azreen syang.. shO cute!

She may look innocent but she isn't. That's syang Azzie..

Snow White Wei Kent.. He looks real different with and without specs..

NoisyGraceeeyy & I.. and I looks sick! Like a zombie.. garsh.
my sweetss syangss..Azzie & Cindy

The Woman, Jennifer.. Charismatic one.

J: "I would date her if she's single" (or something similar)

Jenn got scared by a kid, made us all laughed till our tummy cramped, even the waiter* was laughin at us. U're the bomb lar woman..

Aren't they looking gorgeous?

Azzie & her guy friend, Ben, I think..adorable shot

Pose One

Pose Two

aihss...ultimate camwhores.. tsktsk


OooOOoo... Ken looks damn GAY!!! I couldn't hold it back.. HAHAHHHSSS!!!!!

Jolene & Grace's eyes looks HUGE



After so many shots, Jenn still has her shades on. She loves it!

Ted getting turned on by just the ticklish feelings of people drawing his back and his ears..

Such a sweetie.. He's the only English in class.

Wei San, the hardcore clubber. She's hawt alrite..

The big girls...

Something amusing happened when an offensive blog entry was discovered by our infamous blog-hopper, making it hell for the blogger. Names shall not be mentioned. Apparently, her existence's been overshadowed by my intake, THE march intake. Just because she doesn't havva proper social life that she has to live in her imaginary wizard world, we can't a great social life and have lotsa fun in class. Booyah! Get a life. We know what IS FUN, like any ordinary young adults. We DO NOT cue at six in the morning for a fiction book which you could purchase on any other days with an OWL in it. like whatdafuckk?!! That has absolutely nothing to do with me, but I just needed to have a say. It's pathetic like how every other people addressed her. Wells, we practically humiliated her in class. Ask around, you'll get the story. Big-guy James will be havin a Birthday party at Mardigras tomorrow night. That's the plan now. If our access' been denied, to Loft we go. Nighty nights my lovely readers.