Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My 31st of July

Syi****: WUTEVA"


There are times when we get serious ya knoe.. like ONCE IN THE BLUE MOON??

Switch Switch!!!.... You left.. I right.. akh shyt! Cut my face pulak..

Wee.. my face's in.. oops! where's zrin?

Ted: I'm A VamPIRee....GRRRRrrrRRrr...!!!

Ted: Look! Look! I'm stripping! and I've got boobiess!

Ken: OMG.. I'm turned on.. *drools*

Ted: *ngek ngek* I'm so macho..so cool ya knoe.. I'm THE COOL TED

ZRin: eerrhh.. quickly snap the pic and I'm gonna run!

sayang i..

Jenn: *bangs Zrin*

Zrin: what??!! say what??!!

Jenn: *thinks to herself bout how she'll have to walk home tonight* OHHH.. sayaangg.. I luv you!!!! Muachhh muacCChhhh muacCChhhh!!

Our hello-huggy tradition (That's Stitch-Kyle by the way..)

Hey! whatchu tryinna do butt-ing in like that?! Gimme the perks guys!

She claimed that she ain't noisy. Ken still thinks she's noisy. Joe calls her the Man. meanie!

pahaku yang tersangat tebal..aduiihaii.. *bangs wall*

Kyle's engaged! look at his ring! lalala~

Taylorians fav' hangout spot

Urban*Beach*HipHop .. wadda??

Accidental shot of Wei San's boobs *cricket sound*

pouty pouty

Agam: O NOOO.....!!!!!!!!! I lost to a chiq!!!!!!!

Zrin looks like a 16 year old dont you think?

There was this once in Basic Computer Studies, Phua, our lecturer was explaining about computer parts..intranet and all sorts of what so ever..

Phua: #@$%^&%#@#.......This is $%#@@$%......It does.......%$#@

Elsa: %$#@ buta..

Me: WHAT? Buta?

Elsa: nono...Rooter..

Me: Ohh.. rooter..

Anis: *turns around* ROUTER lahh!



Then in Boon's class (Marketing P&P).. something about Leaders & Managers

Boon: What's the difference between a leader and a manager?

*nobody answered*

Boon: You! *referring to me*.. What's...

Me: *wasn't paying attention and made him repeat his question* Ohhh... Leaders LEAD while managers MANAGES.. *gave him the biggest smile possible*

Boon: OKAY... nice one.. *laughs*


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