Tuesday, January 22, 2008

15-07-07, 22-01-08

Scared, you are, it was obvious..
the mistakes you made, in your past..
blame nobody but yourself..
for ignoring it..
it's haunting you.. what's it gotta do with me?
you loved her, her and her..

Selfish, Irresponsible, Arrogant
that's you..
nobody mean anything to you,
nothing more than your stupid ride and ego..

so much of a future..you said you wanna have.. with me..
so much of promises, no, too many..
"my love for you will still be growing.." "I don't wanna lose you.."
"i'll wait for you.." "i'll try my best to express more.." "I know I won't break the promise.."
"Just be with me till we get.." "I want you.." "I will never leave you, I promise.."
all bullshit, all lies

pushed me away just like that..
ignoring my feelings..
you took everything away..
and left me bleeding
here.. in the grave

you are weak.. so weak..
losing hope for words of others..
of a threat you thought exist..
why the promises.. why..
it was the last thing I could hang on to..
yet you broke it.

I loved you all along..
doubt if you did.
By your actions and reactions..
I really doubt it all

Remember the birthday, the three days two nights, the mall, the gifts, the wake up calls, the donuts, the morning drive on NY's eve..
Wake up.
I did you no wrong..
You did me plenty.
Time you spent on cars, TTs, work, hash, friends..
You could not balance out your life
Why blame me?

When you know you've got no time for a girlfriend,
Why get one?
to make them suffer?
to use them to fulfill your needs?
to show off?


My plans are never gonna change.
You were not ready for this,
you thought you were.
I knew it all along.
Should have listened to my heart, to my friends
I should have.

6 months and 7 days.

The End.


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