White Lies

What exactly is this all about?
Another puzzle to solve?
Another mind game to play?
I demand an answer.
Perhaps the beautiful days are far gone,
Perhaps all the promises and words are just..
white lies,
Perhaps it was all just imaginations,
Perhaps God was just trying to fool us.
Was I being irrational?
Was I blinded by the blind?
Was I psycho-ed by sweet talks?
Was I doing it all wrongly?
Somebody, tell me.
My feelings had betrayed me,
My tears are dried up,
I'm like the lost kitten next door,
What am I waiting for?
What am I searching for?
Time, Love, Patience,
I have plenty.
Just need the right person at the right time.
Wait. Why wait?
365 days of no contact, no trust, no hope.
What is it to make me wait?
Memories. What memories?
Tell me, I've got a lost memory.
People around witnessed our love,
our poor love.
They all want me to do the same thing,
A thing I would last do,
Least want to do.
I wish not to make mistake again.
Let truth reveal itself,
Let truth tell,
Let the world know what exactly is going on.
Now seat at the corner,
List down what goods have I done,
also what goods have you done.
Unprepared for this?
You or Me.
Understand that Time Can't Tell,
It is not even much left,
Running away is not a solution,
Facing and solve it, is.
Black or White,
Can you tell?
I don't read minds,
I don't play games,
not when it comes to the word..
Labels: Disappointment, Frustration, Heartbreak
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