Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Updated Pictures

MothafcukinduMBfark! My cam pictures all gone!
First, my computer hanged when I tried rotating the pictures. Okay, so I retried. Second, hanged again, and the auto scan & fix thing pop up. Okay, fix. Next thing I saw, EMPTY FOLDER! Dang!! Beautiful pictures taken at Maison, Loft, Johor and Melaka all GONE!!! *SCREAMS ALOUD* My apology to all, sincerely. If anybody were to be an expertise in fixing these kinda problems, especially if you could save the pictures, please, I mean PLEASE lend me a hand. On my knees!! Begging..!!! Just leave a contact number on my tag board and I'll get back to you in no time. Here I have some pictures taken with my phone. Enjoy.

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Kenny,Euan, and Alex

Our perfect couple picture ruined, says Alex

CLOWNS!! vs Angie (The Thai clown on the right is actually kinda hot without his makeups on!)

HORRIBLE tan lines!!! That's Kenny.

CHOMEL-nyerr... ahahah!

Everybody loves HAMKA! The FAt BOyS band member.

That's Joe, the male version. Cuter in person.

The weather's freagggin HOT!


I'm ill again. Every time, without fail, when I speak aloud for long hours, I'll go home with a sore throat which ends up with a fever a day later, sadly. So I pretty much got used to it, so used to it that I told the doc to give me two courses as I'll be doing it again next week. He just laughed. Today, the second day of college, was pretty interesting. I'm loving this sem's subjects, really. One of the classes was cancelled earlier leaving us four hours of spare times. Doing absolutely nothing at Classroom7, I called Janice to see if she's free. Surprisingly, she and Jess was about to leave to Rainforest, so I decided to join them. Five bucks for each of three different kinds of cocktails. CHEAPSHYT!!!! I had a Margarita and a Long Island Tea. Whilst searching for a parking lot, we found Aipeng's car so we left her a Love Note. Luvs. On the way back to college, as we blasted the music while singing aloud, I crashed into a taxi cracking my number plate. Peops, buy 3D lottery. IF you know my number plate. hehehhss.. Both Jess and I were late for class today. I felt rather dizzy in class so I just stoned throughout the whole lesson. Two cocktails usually won't make me this way, it's the medicine I took before class that causes it. You know the no-mixing-alcohols-with-pills rule. I felt so dreadfully sick with the drastic pain in my stomach on the way back. I actually held in the pain while fetching Wei San home till I got back to my own place. Never once in my life I face this kinda silly problems. Now with an argument with dad, worsened the condition. I really really wanna move out, I mean it. I've been trained to be independent and independent I shall/will be. Strenghten me O'Father in Heaven.


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