Thursday, August 02, 2007

Weirdo? They or Me?

I once questioned myself. Actually, not just once but many times.. Didn't he notice that he was wearing his tee inside out? Or has it become a trend these days that wearing something the other way round is much cooler. Knock some sense into them the next time you see these fools will yah? He* says that some do that to hide those tee patterns inside so that he or she looks like they're wearing a plain tee. That makes a lil sense but still.. isn't getting a plain tee on its own is better? hmm.. I don't know.. what do YOU think?

Then I'll see certain people with funky hairstyles.. Mohawks*, is that what you call it? That guy in the picture made it DOUBLE TROUBLE. I took this shot on the way down on an escalator in OU the other day. He totally captured my attention. Or should I say, his HAIR did.

Darling just had a new haircut. Ponytails? Really.. If I ever get to lay my hands on a pair of scissors.. Don't you dare blame me if you find those TAILS missing. It's just the evil side of me. *evil grins*

Zreen sayang took this one. A candid. We were having a small discussion about our featured article assignment which in the end we failed to complete. Cindy was either trying hard to read my language or I completely confused her. Just look at her HUH-WHATDAHELL-IS-SHE-CRAPPIN expression.

I guess we took this in class. Phua's class. Noisy-Gracey just love pictures no matter how hard she denies it. She is so bubblegummy ya knoe.. her sense in fashion and all.. And have I told you that she talks ALOT.. of crap. Funny ones.. We still love her though.. Cuz she laughs at almost everything. Get to her know, she's a nice girly girl..

Rahul is currently lying in the hospital with stitches above his eyebrow and in his eyeball. Well, it all happened because of the dry ice + alcohol in the glass game. It exploded and small pieces of shattered glass flew into his eyes. Poor guy.. I guess he wouldn't dare to go near anymore alcohols after this. It was his favourite, sadly. No shuffling either.

A couple of us paid him a visit at U.H. and got ourselves lost searching for the carpark when we were leaving for lunch.

How do you usually wake up for class in the morning? Alarm clock, cellphone alarm or parents morning call.. These are the usual three's right.? Mine is usually the cellphone alarm cause I've always hated the irritating noise of the blardy alarm clock. Just let me wake up in peace. I do not want to have a bad start-off for the day or I'll probably have a bad mood the whole day. This morning, I had a special morning call all the way from Aussie. How sweet. (Expecting boyfriend call? nah.. i wish.. he's a lazy-sleepy-bum!) It was at 6.30 SHARP. Nice one. But I was still late for class cuz of fetching Ken this morning. Gee.. Thanks neways.. ;)

He, departed on the AK936 airplane to Medan at 8.20 this morning. *sobs* I don't get to see him for the coming five days. Because of this, I skipped one class to accompany him the whole of yesterday. I enjoyed his sexy company, nonetheless, I enjoyed having him by me. He brings out the best in me. Indonesia is an hour behind us and the first thing he said to me once he got off the plane was, "..THIS IS CRAZY.. I LOVE THIS PLACE..".. and yeah.. he told me that he wishes to migrate to Indon when he retires. I said he was crazy. Like duh he was just joking. It's not like I have anything against Indon, I mean, really.. I may enjoy the climate and scenery's there (though i have not been there) at Bali.. I honestly don't think it's an ideal place for retirees. Don't you agree? awww.. why am I missing sayang already.. He must have been climbing the mountain since morning.. the one with volcano you know? I don't and don't wanna. *cries aloud*


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