Friday, April 27, 2007
I dislike the fact that I'm missing the rainy nights.
I dislike the fact that I'm missing all the kiss-goodbyes.
I dislike the fact that I'm missing the sweet moments.
I dislike the fact that I could not you..
Grr.. My brain's gonna crack. Why the ignorance?
Can't we just hangout like how we used to?
I really miss all of it.
I'm in confusion. I'll soon get over it.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Unpredictable Human Mind
Human is a complicated species. The thoughts of an individual towards another is unpredictable, regardless of how intimate their relationships are or what kind is it. In reality, people judge. Its the human nature which we could not change, not even in the coming centuries. At one minute they could be as nice and sweet as a darling and honey, next minute, they may just turn around spit. Get my picture? The bond and rapport just can't seem to last without the will and effort of the two individuals. How upsetting. Friendships are no longer solid, Love are no longer genuine. I wonder if that's the right word to use, that's just my point of view to share. I've seen and I've heard many of these cases. To gain one's attention is easy, but to gain one's trust is hard. Agree?
Lets just move on to a less emotional topic to not spoil the day even more.
After a couple of days of not having good rests, I finally had some today. I was freaggin' tired, both emotionally and physically. My mood just fluctuates. Everything just doesn't seem to work smoothly. My mind was always flying around whether I'm in the class or not. It's like playing with the devil, which causes confusion, frustration, complication and disappointment, all of another's desire. It doesn't really make any sense and I just don't know how to put those feelings in words. Maybe it's because of the mood swing that I'm having right now, or maybe the flu I had last night had caused some damage to my brain. I'm turning doo-doo. I need a getaway*, preferably on my own. To go out there to free my mind and to release the tenses in my muscles. Maybe along the way God may want to take me back to Him, I'll be thankful. I suddenly realised that I have not been to church for months. You see, I've turned to Him months back, though I was not born acknowledging Him. Well, nothing is ever too late and I'm glad that I did what I have to. I'm being all so emotional right now. I'd better stop before I say all stupidest of things. Good Day.
Lets just move on to a less emotional topic to not spoil the day even more.
After a couple of days of not having good rests, I finally had some today. I was freaggin' tired, both emotionally and physically. My mood just fluctuates. Everything just doesn't seem to work smoothly. My mind was always flying around whether I'm in the class or not. It's like playing with the devil, which causes confusion, frustration, complication and disappointment, all of another's desire. It doesn't really make any sense and I just don't know how to put those feelings in words. Maybe it's because of the mood swing that I'm having right now, or maybe the flu I had last night had caused some damage to my brain. I'm turning doo-doo. I need a getaway*, preferably on my own. To go out there to free my mind and to release the tenses in my muscles. Maybe along the way God may want to take me back to Him, I'll be thankful. I suddenly realised that I have not been to church for months. You see, I've turned to Him months back, though I was not born acknowledging Him. Well, nothing is ever too late and I'm glad that I did what I have to. I'm being all so emotional right now. I'd better stop before I say all stupidest of things. Good Day.
Monday, April 23, 2007
The Break-up
Good Morning bloggy. It's exactly 4:44 am right now as I type the first letter; G, and how's everybody feeling? Sleepy? Grumpy? SEX-cited?(credits to jenjenjen!) Miss Shapalapadingdong aint sleeping tonight. She'll be lookin like a zombie at college today..geez.
7 hours back, I made a decision of ending our* relationship. Don't ask me why, just put all de blame on me. I've done this many times and have never felt this bad before. Commitment is just not my thing, just yet. Call me selfish, call me a bytch. I really didn't mean to hurt nobody. really. All I want now is to be a friend.
I'm sorry..
Sorry to put you through all these pain you're currently going through. It was a mistake from the start and we're obviously not each other's MR/MRS Right, that's undeniable.
WeihUi's luvin pool more than ever! Shannon can really play weyy..Kenny, not bad larhh. He's such a big bully. xP Jan and her friends came to join us at classroom7 today and I WAS SUPPOSED to play with Jess but got dragged aside to gossip. you know our usual thang.. It was also Jan's second time driving.
College>Jan's place>Ebe's place.
Goodness, she was just being her. *youknowlaarhh*. Later at night, Ebe and I accompanied her to practice driving and it was darn hectic. Jan said, we were ASSISTING her. One thing good bout aSSistiNG her is that I get to sound her whenever she makes mistakes and she has NO RIGHT to fight back. hahah! First time weyy..XOXO.luvin'it.
OooH OoOoH!!
I watched Wild Hogs with Peng, Eugene and Alex all on Saturday. A really farny movie. Four men, each with own professions, goes on a roadtrip and encounters real bikers and causes havocs... blahblah. Go watchit.!
Gawsh.. it's like 5:06 in exact right now. Physically tired, mentally nawt. Explain that. byebye pretty eyes.. byebye good health.. *sobs* I'm so nawt enjoying this. *faints dramatically*
Eli's birthday's comin up! Rememba her prezzies you peop or she'll picit you like semut! tired..*yawns*
My current to-do list:
1) Heroes series-maraton
2) Barbeque steamboat with best of budds
3) Odd jobs for shopping
4) Study for finals
5) Sharpen my driving skill (don't mess with Manuals)
ayteyayte.! Good Day!
7 hours back, I made a decision of ending our* relationship. Don't ask me why, just put all de blame on me. I've done this many times and have never felt this bad before. Commitment is just not my thing, just yet. Call me selfish, call me a bytch. I really didn't mean to hurt nobody. really. All I want now is to be a friend.
I'm sorry..
Sorry to put you through all these pain you're currently going through. It was a mistake from the start and we're obviously not each other's MR/MRS Right, that's undeniable.
WeihUi's luvin pool more than ever! Shannon can really play weyy..Kenny, not bad larhh. He's such a big bully. xP Jan and her friends came to join us at classroom7 today and I WAS SUPPOSED to play with Jess but got dragged aside to gossip. you know our usual thang.. It was also Jan's second time driving.
College>Jan's place>Ebe's place.
Goodness, she was just being her. *youknowlaarhh*. Later at night, Ebe and I accompanied her to practice driving and it was darn hectic. Jan said, we were ASSISTING her. One thing good bout aSSistiNG her is that I get to sound her whenever she makes mistakes and she has NO RIGHT to fight back. hahah! First time weyy..XOXO.luvin'it.
OooH OoOoH!!
I watched Wild Hogs with Peng, Eugene and Alex all on Saturday. A really farny movie. Four men, each with own professions, goes on a roadtrip and encounters real bikers and causes havocs... blahblah. Go watchit.!
Gawsh.. it's like 5:06 in exact right now. Physically tired, mentally nawt. Explain that. byebye pretty eyes.. byebye good health.. *sobs* I'm so nawt enjoying this. *faints dramatically*
Eli's birthday's comin up! Rememba her prezzies you peop or she'll picit you like semut! tired..*yawns*
My current to-do list:
1) Heroes series-maraton
2) Barbeque steamboat with best of budds
3) Odd jobs for shopping
4) Study for finals
5) Sharpen my driving skill (don't mess with Manuals)
ayteyayte.! Good Day!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Change of feelings

Create your own Friend Test here

Monday, April 16, 2007
Panic panic panic!

Woke up this morning with worse eyebags and darker panda eyes.. grr. with my work half done, assignment not done, I went to college. Panickin first thing in the mornin as I placed my butt on the chair facing Kenny & Agam, with the cue cards in my hands, struggling to memorize as much as I could. I just can't seem to get anything into my brain whenever i'm under pressure, as always. Don't be surprise to see me acting like some idiotic-lost-in-jungle-for-months-biatch. I tell you.. I can easily get on one's nerves when that happens.
Just for your information, the name Wei Hui was the second on the presentation list after Azreen, followed by Shang Hong. Sadly, Azreen evaporated into the thin air as she stepped into the class after seeing the baboon-like lecturer. Bahh..I exaggerated. She just didn't turn up in time making me the FIRST to present my shyts. In my mind, there was this voice kept saying "Utter Rubbish! Get back to your sit!", reminded me of how well I should present myself up in front of that creepy woman and what more? a crowd with all eyes on me? dangg!
I did not just forgot everything that I've memorized, in fact, I read everything straight from the cue cards. That's how bad I am at public speaking. but hey, my pronunciation was better than before mind you. The least I did was to capture the audience's attentions. yeehah! Rosaline was being such a lovely lady today as she allowed us to leave the class earlier to finish up Anu's assignment. I spent the whole five hours, cuttin Aparna's class, skipping lunch, just to complete the assignment. woow. sounds good huh? hardworkin too maybe? NO.No. ya're wrong. That's cuz I haven't done a single shyt for it and that piece of assignment costs 30%.* I got it over with anyways so yeaa. Finally, all done. I've got a role play tomorrow and I'm gonna make Edmund a too-too* skirt. haHhh! Oh Oh.. guess what??? As I was trying to park my car at mv yesterday noon, I accidently scratched the car next to mine TWICE. I first drove in successfully but the car wasn't straight enuff so the ego side of me decided to re-park it nicely. I recklessly reversed too fast that I did not realize that I went too close to the car next to me. It wasn't an ordinary scratch. It was like my car's sticking to it and I forced the car to move but it just wouldn't. Imagine the impact, my car, shaking that car, like humping it from the side.. blahhh.. I suck at explanation. Just play with ya imaginations. Hahaha. What I did was very irresponsible, I knoe. I drove off to park at somewhere else. Some where FAR FAR away from that car. Oh, and if ya're wondering why I was at mv yesterday when I have tonnes of work to do at home, that was because I needed to bring my babylappy for a checkup at the doc's. lol. Get what I mean? I tried searching for a nice sleeves so that nothing could scratch it but I couldn't find any nice ones. *sobs* As for someone*, I went into Quiksilver, intended to get the strappy thingy for him, but it all looked so common. Actually, that was the main reason why I was there larhh..tsktsk. Too bad, I couldn't find any nice ones. Urgghh.. i'm feelin like a pig right now.. im such a bummer.. bad bad for me. Today's just not my day. Same goes to everybody in class. Its DEAD. let's all prayy for a better one after this. Adios.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
All bout second week of college.
Gayness indeed. wtf?
Scrap that. Something must have gone into my head. Perhaps a screw had loosened.
This' like the second week of college. And its THURDAY! yeay Friday.
Well.. Everything that revolved round' me were awesome.
The peops, the new study environment, the dramas..
Minus the assignments and presentations.
okay okay..the names are Jennifer, Joel, Agam, Kenny, Cindy, Grace and a whole lot more!
Of course, Jolene and Mayz whom I've known since high school.
*ChoDaiDee* 's definitely our thang.. WORD..
(see..words i've learnt from the loonies..)
Chermaine*, Azrin, Shang Hong and that gang..
youknowwhothere are..
Everything wasn't going so well at first till I've settled down for good.
Dramas, tell me bout it.
Some jackass bastard named Scott. Mothafcukinbytch. Lucky you for not gettin slapped.
Durin presentation at Anubahv's class, they watched PORN.
gawsh.. yuck man..
Stop invading my privacy! I have no porn in my lappy. Shoo Shooo!!
The lecturers were alright. All except Rosaline who creeps me at times. Fierce, really. But a pretty decent lady who tripped in the lecture theatre.
*scratched head*
I've just sat for her first paper today. It was the mid term exam.
Wasn't as tough as i thought it would be.
*crossed fingersz*
More assignments and presentations in the cue.
I'm a busy lady ya knoee..
Since the first day of class, I've been given a several names.
Molinjaa, Susan, Suzzi, Bob, Slapmydingdong..blahblahblah!
Today's demonstration with Kenny was pretty stupid. Annoying sial.
I acted as the guy while he as the girl. He had to annoy me while I was trying to hit on a girl. *its not real*
It was funny tho.
Haven't seen baby in a while though we kept in touch daily.
SMS makes life simple and sweet.
The rapport's just not so there anymore.
Why so? Several factors which are quite inappropriate to be mentioned here.
Of other individuals maybeee? yes or no..wobuchetao.
Classroom7's like our daily hangout place already. Like a habit or some sort.
Cindy said 70 percent of our classmates, smokes, which excludes me and her.
Yeay us. Cheers!
I haven't once got to play pool nor foos yet.
whyy arr?
The gays will always be gays.
The sexciteds will always be sexcited.
Read that you guys! =P
Yikess.. Does anybody know how to pronounce 'Haute' ?
Currently workin on an presentation on that.
Me stupid? Likee you're any betterrr..
mwachs mwachs.
Smile for me.