Monday, August 13, 2007

Our Everlasting Friendship!

As I was scrolling down the page filled with pictures, I found this shot, a very special memorable shot to me, one worth remembering. It was taken early this year during Chinese New Year at Ebelin's. From left we have Janice, me and Elissa. At the back, Ai Peng, at the front, Ebelin. It is a lovely shot. We hardly hangout anymore ever since we left high school, and that is because we are all separated into four different colleges, except Jan & I who are currently in the same college. Occasionally we have a simple gathering, joined by a couple of other friends; the boys. Back in high school, our favourite mamak would be either Pandii's or Raju's. You know.. the one situated behind Lasalle. Eugene, Ebelin's brother whom we all treat like our own brother, studies there. Even most of our guy friends are Lasallians. Funny, I know. People of all ages. We just tend to mingle around with them pretty comfortably and closely. Some even ended up as couples like you-know-who*. =)
Ebelin was the first to get her licence, yet she did not dare to drive when she first started. Now, driver. Not to mention, Fashionable. She is even doing Fashion Marketing in Raffles at this moment and seem to be enjoying it a lot.
Janice, the most aggressive one of all. Well, in a good way of course. She's like the chatterbox+amplifier. Very confident. How typical of her.. She's known as the OH-MY-GOD girl to someone. Funny. Not forgetting that she is the only one who had crashed her car before. Like, badly. (my fault lar fault)
Ai Peng, well, Ai Peng.. she is really tall. Tallest among us, slimmest too. She can be really irritatingly blur at times, but in a really cute manner. Never ever interrupt her sleep or you'll get it from her nicely. Don't even bother calling her out before 2 in the noon because she will still be sleeping like a pig. wanna bet?
Elissa, pronounced as E-lisa. Our beloved mama-Teoh. That was what we used to call her. Everybody loves her teddy hug, even me myself! She can be really bitchy at times when it comes to 'teachers' yet she can be really sweet too when it comes to us. hehe. She is usually the one organising our outings; doing the booking and calling. Really brainy too.
As for me, what can I say? Obviously, I am the shortest. Okay okay.. enough of laughing already. Chose the wrong stream and failed most of my subjects, stupidity. I tend to offend people with words by accident, make a fool out of myself, then laugh it off. Self praise means no praise, so I shall leave it to you to judge/comment.
Babes.. A toast to our everlasting friendship!
LovaDova, Me. Signing off as G.Wei Hui.


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