Wednesday, February 28, 2007


12 of March 2007 is THE DAY
So Excited!
Pray hard for the A's.

Sorry bout what happened earlier. Wanted to hangout. But..

Sensual piece.

Baby I wanna hear you say it again..
I see us..
Cuddling all night long..
Under the deep blue skies..
Together we feel the stars..
With our imaginations..
As it runs wild..

With Much love.

Salsa is Sensual.
You gotta feel the dance, feel the moves, feel the person facing you..
It's all about the rhythm, the passion..
Of how the two individuals make it work..

*ahem* YOU reading me? let go of the weight before moving with the waves.
Make it work girl. I'll back you up.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Guidance in Need.

Guidance In Need.

Would you cry if i cry?

Would you die if i die?
You can say yes to the both above,
But we both know that it will be a lie.

Only if you knew..
Words could not come out..
I would not let it..
or maybe not..
You must have regretted knowin' me..
Joy or Pain, you decide..
I never got to know you..
The clock it ticking..
Time is running out..
My mind just blanked-out.


Im broken.
Im ripped.
Im torn apart.


Yesterday, my first day with Crystal Edge doin telemarketing. It sucked! Well, atleast I don't hafta do sales over the phone..just comfirmed their attendance for some SAP event. Met Tasha, Turgis, and Devan, new pals, colleagues. Slept late the night before that and was feeling darn tired the whole of yesterday that I jumped into my bed right after someone's call and slept till 8 in the morning. I recalled that someone called me when I was half asleep, Muyo then Aipeng. Peng shocked me with the news saying our spm results will be out TODAY and heck? I panicked as I have not prepared any important documents to courier to Sg and some other stuffs lar.. Called someone to share the news and almost broke down after I hung up. I wuz so depressed thinkin bout so many things that I stayed awake for another hour before I dozed off. (Sorry hun, wanted to call you but I couldn't) What am I to do? I want to go but.. my life is HERE. I'm really really gonna miss everybody. How am I to adapt the new faces and lifestyle? and leave ones I love aches. Only if I could move everybody there with me.

I'm afraid of getting hurt. Last wish of spending the rest of my days here with you, happily.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Chilly anybody? Claps to Wafie.

Pok? No pok?


Oops! Thought there will be pool, but no.. Gambling with CHIPS are much more fun. Venue no.1 : Ebelin's house Venue no.2 : Janice's house Venue no.3 : Err.. The GM's house (Forgot his name) (Supposed to be PengFong's) Cut it short. Fetched Jan out to meet up with Ebelin and planned to do some catchups but Ebelin couldn't make it in the end and Jan was being *mengada* (David says BIMBO-ish) so drove her home after havin' dinner. The night was enlightened when Fung How, Diandran and the GM came and we headed straight to Frasier's Tower later. Not to mention that I had difficulties PARKING my damn car and havin' funghow to re-park in the end. David couldnt handle sticks so yeah, LOUSY as i am. (Why is Jan called the Party-Pooper anyways, funghow?) Confusing. Diandran was eatin like a pig that night, diggin the fridge, made himself cereals, as if that house was his. ( Diandran, remember to gotta COOK for weihui real soon!) Being the nice lovin mua, invited someone to join in, but unfortunately, he chose to go else where. So don't say I didn't ask, sweetie. Drove David back after supper then oikzed. Lil'me went to the office this morning and bumped into Wafie along the way. He was shopping with mommie. Left office at 3 to catch a movie with him at OU. Hmm.. movie was alright but not as FUNNY as what he thinks. HahhHh.. Bought my purple, pink and black nail polishes!! Yeay! On the way back, I stopped at some computer shop to checkout some mouse and someone shocked me by surprise. It was Jun Han, carrying a bag of mandarin oranges that his girl's mom gave him. Sweet.
"How 're YOU doin?"...Norbits.
Gotta do lots of catchups with my long lost friends real soon. Gimme a ringring if ya're reading this. Remember, Weihui loves you guys, to bits.

Let the pictures do the talking. Carpe Diem babeh!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

A night of gambling & pool.

A day of Gambling & Pool.
Use your imaginations.

This' the night. Prove it or Ruin it.

Photos will soon be uploaded..

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Fling or not, I can't judge.
The same two lines.
Prove it, gain my trust.

Dedicated to a guy named Royston.

Ehh.. Rude to not leave a message when you visit my blog.
Not the first time already! Hmpf!
Lookin forward into seeing me again? I know you do!
Do not miss my arrogance, miss ME!


Last night sure was wild.
Had Mcd's after fetchin Jo.

The guy at the counter : *Taking our order and stuff* (that was then)
(While we were waiting...)
Jo : M* was like "Baby,......dadadadada..."

The guy at the counter : BaBY dO yOu wanT BaBy nO bArbeQue SaUce.%$#@&???

Like WTF??? We burst out LAUGHIN at his silly face and I could not help it but to walk aside and continue laughin while Jo had to control herself as she's makin' an order. That dude was like EMBARRASSED and speechless. Big time joker. After meetin up with Muyo at Starbucks we headed to Kota Damansara. Wondering why? Cause Muyo's friends, Gan and Siang's houses were there. I didn't know the way to Maison's so I made Muyo take over the car and that two guys tagged along. They were checkin ID that night but we all managed to get in. =) Sweet. Jo's friends were all over the place. Met up with Fung How and Diandran a while later. Funghow wanted to be a gentleman and buy me a drink but I rejected by accident. Woopsie. (Didn't mean it hun.. You can buy me another next time. ) Ended up havin a shot each of Bombay Sapphire Gin and Tequila. Then Muyo handed two glasses of some drinks later. A mixed ones, JD I guess? Damn.. Didn't get to drink much at all but the smokes went into my eyes makin me feeling darn uncomfortable. Couldn't walk straightly for an hour or two but was sober.. Oh Jo's not for sure. Some fool spiked her drinks, or should I say, handed her an E. Nutcase man. She was totally gone that night. Left only when the club's closing. Sham went to get her in the end. Got summore story but lazee to type already. Keep on guessing. =P Fetched Muyo home and headed home later. Oh, we got lost in KL before that. Wuteva that is, I reached home in one piece. Nuff said. What a night, sweet and fun. But a mess.

Had a great time with you too hun.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Prove it

Good things come and gone.
It's life.
Just live on with it.
To the full.

Changes we'll undergo in life, the stages of obstacles.
Shall not pray for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs. Amen.
To obey the Ten Commandments, or the consequences you face.
At the end of the day, The One we'll look up to.
I believe.

The Story That Might Interest You.

Like many of you already know, mom doesn't live with me.
Yet, I am getting more freedom than i am supposed to get.
Well, there are the goods and bads you see. but I'd say NO LOST.
Individuals around me are equally GORGEOUS, good, and lovely.
Therefore, I love being ME.

This year's gonna be filled with changes. Hopefully, more joy and laughters, less tears.
A changes in faces and surroundings round' me is gonna be nice, I think.
I wanna love and beloved.
I wanna give more than I take, do not mind.
The Camwhore stays, that's for sure.

Yesterday, watched 'Twins Mission' with dad, chingyee and sis. Hilarious.
Shopped a lil with couzzy and even met up with muyo. That guy kept stepping on my tails, urghh. I wanted to tell him that he could get his CK at old wing Jusco. lol. Lazy to walk there lar hun. Showered Diva with hundred over bucks, my purse aches. But, no. I love what I bought. heheh. Chatted with muyo till three in the mornin. Dawggie.. cute. Pok.. not cute. Shyts.. disgusting .

Tonight, I'm supposed to hangout with Jo, Funghow and all. No transport, how? Funghow better get back to me asap or ill juz call eujoh to pool with me. Wait, no, should call Nick and Vince. Gonna bug them again! hahah.

Peng.. where're youuu.. Mayz.. wanna pool? Ebe.. Can you sneakout?? Eli.. I wanna hug youu!!

Prove it.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Love him?

I want to be the first to make him fall in love.
I want him to love me like no other.
I want him to be what I want him to be, a better person than he already is.
I want him to be loved like how he deserves.
I want what I want, what I want.
The truth, you'll soon find out.

p/s: don't ask me anything regarding my posts. I won't answer it.

Fantastic settings and people.

CNY's sort of.. over. Ang Pao collecting season has officially ended, i guess. I luv luv luv many people!! Hmm.. But there're these few ones who still upsets me. Sorry, names cannot be mentioned. Phoebe & her family went back to Singapore yesterday. Hmm.. will be seeing them soon, hopefully. *Crossed fingers* Hit the gym at 1 this afternoon and bumped into Wai Kit on the way out. Someone's looking fitter already. (Keep it up babe.) Then I got changed at home then drove dad's car, for the FIRST time on my own, to Ivan's house. Yeah.. On the way up the hill my car almost died and there were these few sports cars at the back of me so i KIASU and I stepped harder on the accelerator and I managed to drag my car up. lol. Ivan witnessed everything, so darn embarrassing! At his place there were only two girls who I know, Chayz and Jaybebe. Others, Nas, Pregash and all lar.. All guys. =_=" Later I drove to A & W at round' six with Chayz and Ivan then met up with Sara. So, being the NICE me, I drove her to Kaylee's place and chilled for a while cause Sara wanted to dress her up, like she'll wear what she asks her to? Being afraid that Pastor Foo will be there.. sigh.. Oh and yah, totally forgot that I got stucked at the traffic near Amcorp because of the STUPID HILL! My car almost rolled backwards okay.. Thank God I pulled the hand break fast enuff. Geezz..I hate MANUAL cars man. Next time if I were to get a car, hell NO im gettin a manual. So yeah, reached Daryll's place at round' 7 where everyone had started diggin in. I hardly know anybody there except Purdy, Denise, Izaat, and Daryll. The rest are all by names only. (SOMEone ffk-ed me) Babe, you gotta prove it and gain my trust or I won't fall for it just like that. Daryll got thrown into the pool, wait, no, he jumped into the pool. Showing off his sexy body and all.. hahahx.. A fantastic guy. Owh, I also met a new friend named Shaz. Cool name ehh? His job's cool too. Hahaha.. lets go shisha soon man.. Party ended with a simple blessings session. It was the first time I witnessed these things. I was touched, indeed. Was counting stars and serenading some songs while waiting for the people to take leave. The settings and musics was jUst RIGht, you know.. slow music.. slow dance.. oh-so-romantic. Dropped Sara and Kaylee back then stoned in the car. Actually I was supposed to meet up with someone after that but he was at the police station. Gawsh.. drift summore larh.. You totally scared me last night!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Uncle Thomas'

At uncle Thomas' place, Thomson's house. There i met two most adorable kids alive and fell in love with a lil' boy named Tommy, which is Thomson's brother. He's so darn cute and good looking. I luv Julian, the lil'baby in uncle Lucas' arms. I so want a baby like him, like an angel sent from the above, heaven. The pretty lil' girl who sticks around me the entire night kept me happy the whole time. She just lOVE to manja with me and even made me carry her upside down.Oh and yeah..she kissed me twice! Not forgetting that i lifted Tommy, Adrian, Jasmine and the other girl whom I had forgotten her name one by one makin them 'FLY' like superman on my knees and hands. (Can you imagine that?) Luckily they were all skinny or else i would have died getting squashed like mash potatoes. *plak* . While Thomson, the man of the day kept makin me take picture with him. You know..the husband-wife thingy, where Jasmine joined in to be our lil' daughter. There, One Big Happy Family Portrait. *sigh* I'm just so popular amongst the kids that it kept them awake till 3 in the mornin' when i left. Sweet..