Thursday, June 14, 2007

This' An Emo Post, Beware.

Spell it. F-A-T.. Say it with me, FAT! Woman's..No.. MANKIND's worst enemy! RaWrr..
The few extra pounds that counts, makes hell lotta difference in an outlook of a person. When you're skinny, everything you wear is gorgeous, sexy, hawtss. But when you're not skinny, you look like a blarddy elephant in everything. Can't agree more? This is an emo post, beware. I absolutely envy those who eats like crap and gains no weight, high metabolism level? God bless you. Pity those who takes a small mice bite of food and gains 5 pounds the next morning, again, God bless you. I mean, Me. I ain't Phat no more, I'm FUCKIN FAT!! FCUKKK!

But no, my emo topic isn't about that. So glad to disappoint you. =)

I'm kinda bored of single life already. I think it's time to get steady, or not. My girl found her stead, my guys found their steads, and me.. *a blow of sigh* .. Should have re appealed for Singapore the other time, then I would have had a much greater times.
Someone quoted: live life with no regret. Fcukin shyt! I've just had one, I mean, another one.
I don't think I'm a sad lonely case.. nono.. No, I'm not. Shuddupyoubanana.
Another two weeks till my class resumes. Is it a bad or good thing? *crosses fingers* I have a strong feeling that I've chosen the wrong course. *bangs head* Too late. Dad'll slaughter me if I were to tell him that. Well, at least David's joining my college soon and I'll have another friend there. o.O? Gotta bounce.


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