Saturday, December 30, 2006

Life is all about havin' fun.

Leggy's aching, tummy's rebelling, purse's crying... ARggh..
After work last night, I spent an hour at the gym before going out to meet David with Kenjoe. SLK was being abandoned at David's crib and we switched to David's Proton. Lol..pitiful. It was around 10 then when we reached Amcorp to pick Royston up and left to Asia cafe. I can tell you that he's such a joker. He can really hit balls. Well i mean pool balls, don't get me wrong. Met some friends there, and saw someone i hadn't seen in a really long time. She went through Dramatic changes . Sadly. We all went for supper later. Guess who paid for all agaiN?? Gay-Roy did! It was so hilarious when the food came, we all raced to foot the bill but we failed in the end. Stop treating us like KIDs Roy.. we no longer are. I know you're livin' like a king here but $$ does not fall from the sky ya knoe!!
After supper, we chilled at Roy's apartment. It was our first time there. Our first time to realize how beautiful Amcorp actually is. The panoramic view from his room, the gym and the beautiful swimming pool.. GARSH... and whAT MORE?? He does not pay for any of it! His company did! I wanna slAP your face already you know.. I think I'm gonna tell Mr Goh to take all that away from you! hmpf!

Today, I went shopping with Aipeng at 1U. All i bought was cosmetics. Peng bought quite alot of stuff. We bumped into Ganesh & Ee May in MNG. As usual..SHOPPING. Sweet..
We had dinner at The Peranakan. I dislike the food there. Its like some kampung food. My advice is, Don't Go There.

So now i'm back, sittin infront of the com, BLOGGIN'. Feelin' exhausted and satisfied as i bought the things i wanted. Lol. Satisfaction gained from Shopping!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Mornin ya'll

HelloeMelloe.. it's exactly 9:26 am right now and i'm at the office with nobody. That gay Royston woke up late today and is havin his breakfast at the moment. I didn't know we could do tHAT.. He sure eats like pigs. I'm darn bored. Only if there were music playing over here, at least i won't feel that bad. Sheezzzggghh.. The streamyx will be here soon so ill be able to go online more often. HAHA.. I have about less than 20 more customers to call today. After that, all incoming calls. If i weren't broke i wont be seen sitting right here RIGHT NOw. Nah...its juz a lame excuse..jajaja.. I seriously need a nap now but can i?? =_= The AFTER-SPM wasn't as fun and relaxing as i thought it would be. There are still BOUNDARIES. Gay's back! Till then darls.. Adios!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Working in the office is such a drudgery. Not to say its hard but i'm just not that kinda person who could stick mybutt on the chair for hours. Well yeah, nine hours of work wasn't that hard afterall. I was practically sitting the entire time and maybe jumped around the office a lil when Sean's away and mayBE annoyed Royston by 'intruding his privacy'.. (that was what he said.) hAH. I saw some pics before he noticed it anyways..hahaha..(Roysss..dun be mad..hahaha) That shall be a secret. All I did the whole day was either calling cust. or chatting and laughin with Royston. Joker.. He's really into his chiq I can tell. Yeah, at the same time *kap-lui* and asking me to introduce some chiqs to him. blarghhh.. Be GOOD.. Sean was so pissed over some matter at work. CHilllll...! Life is still young. Having only the three of us at the office sure was boring.
Just in case if you don't know it, I PASSED my driving test! Lets CElebRAte!!!! Handed in my photograph today so i guess i'll be gettin my licence soon. Kenjoe promised me to let me drive his SLK and i juz can't wait no more. Speaking of which, that poor lil' thang BEGGED him back. Hell yeah we saw that comin. lol..typical thang.. how saddd.. get real you lil' thang....! He has lost trust and faith in you. What more? LOVE?? I may not be able to predict the future but the past, her history, dragged her down the drain. Go
down low girl . Oh i forgot, she wants to FLY HIGH..
I don't wanna be mean to her, but i juz can't help it. I'm already nice enough to encourage someone to forgive and forget as that's the true meaning of Christmas. That's how she received his Christmas greeting. Thank me. But look, what happened? Ahhh.. She's as childish as ever.
You guys..another year is about to end. Let's all pray for prosperity and happiness. May peace & wisdom live within us. LovaDova,Me.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas 06'

I had a splendid time last night! In the evening, KJoe picked me up with EuJoh's ATOS. It's somehow..BIGGER is size and more spacious compared to Kancil. like DUhhh.. lol. We met up with Eemay & Ganesh at The Curve then had dinner at Ikano. There wasn't much decorations or shows happening there. Why were we there again? Oh yess..Ganesh said that the Hitzfm crews would be there. wtf??? haha.. Shadow of them pun takda.. Later, we drove to Hartamas Square. The usual things we do there, i don't wanna elaborate much. =) Hizwan, Ashwin & Sri G then joined us later. We were given party packs and paints*. There was a havoc situation when it striked 12. *MERRY CHRISTMAS*!!!!!!!! everyone cheered. Bought the confetti* sprays..stinky and sticky.. Some stingy dude came into the picture as well.. hahaha.. (u knoe who you are..) Everyone started chasing one another with the spray. lol. How messy did we look.. funny but fun. At round' 1, we left Hartamas. Ganesh was driving his Proton then. He gave Hizwan and all a ride to oug i guess..On the way out.. we sorta raced. DUMB i know.. Proton vs Atos. HAHA. Ganesh accidently took the wrong way out because we thought that was the way out. It was a hilarious moment. And so we went separate ways and we first drove to Aipeng's place to get the Kancil then went back to return the Atos as eujoh secretly drove them out. After that, we headed to Eugene's place and drank there. They bought the Absalute Vodka which tasted like Cherry when mixed with ice-cream soda. YUCK man.. I hated Cherry so much.. blueaggh.. There we watched The Nun (halfway) then switched to Recycle (halfway also). Finally, we changed the dvd again to the Scary Movie 4. Darn stupid weh that movie.. After the movie we started a game. The usual rules, whoever loses in Cho-Tai-Dee..they drink a shot. Well yeah.. I juz had two shots from the game. Eugene couldn't take any because he had something important on the next day so peng had to drink it up. Hey, where got boyfriend make the girlfriend sapu* the drinks for them? Silly couple.. We played the game for quite long that we didn't realize that it was five already. Peng was already half-dead on the bed with eugene while Kenjoe's like darn high.. (can't drink then DON't drink) lol! I lost the final round and we all slept off after that. The floor was fcukin cold and i had no blankets on okay. What more? I'm in skirts! Damn it.. Kenjoe's like sleeping like a pig with his hoodies on and eujoh's stoning at the side. In the morning, we were told that SOMEONE cried halfway in her sleep and hahaha... no more elaborations..=P So since Aipeng's still feeling so high in the morning, we decided to make a move without her. Of course Eugene sent her back later laa.. After fetchin Eujoh home, Kenjoe drove me to have breakfast. The coffee shop was so packed so i juz bought some food home. He then drove to his church later for the Christmas celebration. While I, bathed and went out for a drive with dad's proton n him. Annoying instructor. Luckily he's not a REAL instructor or all of his students will run away. I told him that anyways and its TRUE! Later i got home and slept for an hour before the REAL instructor came. Today i finally get to SPEED for real at the highways. Will be sittin for my test tomorrow so *crossed fingers*pray that ill PASS! Yvonne will be there as a companion at least.. hahaha.. till the next post, ciao ya'll. Photos will be uploaded soon. Stay tuned.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

HoHoHo!!! Merry Christmas everybody! I just got back from Singapore last night. Darn tired. My cousin and I went there on the 19th with Aeroline. Nice bus but the toilet is extremely SMALL. I think it can only fit mid-sized people at max. There hardly is any space to move nor stand. Can you imagine how small that is? The only section i love is the Lounge where i spent approximately 3 hours there watchin 13 going 30. Comfortable sofa seats with blankets for each passengers. Being served like VIPs felt so good. But heck? It's juz a damn BUS! Not a plane.. =_=* Arrived at round' 2 in the afternoon and it was raining then. Uncle Richard & Phoebe was already there waitin for us when we arrived. It was raining quite heavily then but we managed to checkout Nanyang Poly. That campus is as big as a mall with elevators and lifts. I could not find any course that im interested in and so, we left. It rained heavily non-stop for the entire day so we didn't get to shop at all. On the second day, Uncle Richard drove us to Singapore Poly. One HUGE campus that is. The most established one too but the buildings looks new. Luckily uncle drove or we'll be travelling around the campus with the BUS. See that's how big the campus is. After that, he dropped me and CY at Bugis shopping complex and gave us $120 each. WoOoHoOooo.. From there we went to Orchard Road and it was around 6 then. We went to Takashimaya, Tangs and a few more malls. Until we came to the last mall which i don't know what's the name of the mall.. I entered this shop* that sells cool shirts and imported bikinis. Hawt,,hawt..... HAWT DUDES were there to serve me. Damn nice. At the counter was this hawt guy with tanned and built body. Oh-So-Gorgeous.. We chatted a lil' and he told me that he's from Johor and is currently studying at Ngee Ann Poly. HAHAHAaa... He totally melt my heart that night. When i was about to leave, i noticed something was missing. And GUESS WHAT??? It was my package! He had forgotten to give me my things after returning my change. He was so embarrassed. cute.. But after that incident i did not leave right away. Instead, i walked towards the guys section as something cute caught my eye. It was a monkey and banana print BOXER! Thought of gettin it for Kenjoe's Christmas prezzie.. but then i look at it again..wondering what size does he wear.LOL. Then this hawt guy came over to assist me.

That guy: Hey miss, do you need any help?
Me: Yeah... actually i don't know what size does my guyfriend
That guy: owh..describe him..
Me: Hmm... He's VERY SKINNY and small but im not too sure...
That guy: Is he the size of any guy here? Hey..*calls another guys* come here..take off your sweater..
Another guy: WHAT???!#@%^!!?? You take it off la ..why me?
That guy: this girl wants to get the boxer for her friend but doesn't know what's his size. Since you're the smallest sized here........
Another guy: Ohh..Okayy.. sure.. *takes off sweater*
Me: *thinks* hahahahahaha! no..yess??..noo...yess? i dunno..?? this guy's muscular tho he's small.. kenjoe...?#$%^@!& better not.. nah.. actually its juz gonna be a prank
That guy: owh. i see.. then i think you should get this (grabs this G-STRING with pockets at the front for ****) lol
Me: Errrr????!!!??? hmm...interesting..
That guy: juz have to.....(teaches me how to put it on)
Me: wait wait..stop.. dun teach me.. im not gonna wear that..
WE: laughs..

And after checkin out some stuffs there, i left the shop.
Later we went for supper before heading home. When we reached home it was 11.30 already! Uncle Richard's face was ALL-BLACK as he stayed up waiting for us. He even claimed that I was bringing bad influences to my so-called INNOCENT cousin! Fcuk lar! It takes two to clap man! Wuteva then..
On the third day, I took the MRT all by myself to meet Mr.Goh at his office for a short training in the morning as i'll be working for him when im back in M'sia. It took me an hour to reach Maxwell road. So troublesome. Two hours later, after Mr Raymond explained all that i was supposed to know, I left to Bishan to meet up with my cousins. It was almost 4 then and I was supposed to go to Temasek Poly and Ngee Ann Poly. The public phone was outta service and i could not find any way to reach my uncle. It sorta pissed him off but too bad! The campuses closes at 5 so we continued shopping. After Bishan we went to Orchard Road. Checked out Pasific Plaza & Far East Plaza. Bought lotsa accessories. Surprisingly Mambo, Roxy, Stussy and Quiksilver can only be found at Pasific P. Hmm... I really loved the night atmosphere at Orchard Road. Those beautifully decorated Christmas trees and carolings... I juz love it! Its so different from here and in addition, its even safer to travel around there than here. On the last day, we went to Temasek Poly. It looked retarded from the outside but when i stepped in, OH MY... Tremendous! Well, it's WAY bigger than any of the colleges here, a swimming pool, a gym, FIVE food courts, high-tech libraries and study rooms, with TWO big malls nearby and the beach is juz 20 minutes away! ARGHHhhhh..... Im SO GOInG THERE! So yeah. Later in the afternoon my mum came with that sour face of hers and after lunch, we dropped by at Ngee Ann, then aboarded the bus to PJ at the station. I guess ill be goin to the open house at Sg in Jan. Im definitely interested in becoming a future Temasek-ian. Juz gonna pray hard to enter that school! Can't wait for my results to be out! Tomorrow's Christmas eve.. better start plannin with the blurrs and slowss now. kiddin.. Ciao.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Soul-sizz & I

Last night after working, we drove Aipeng out to join us for supper. There this old indian man came up to us and gave me this note he wrote. Later he wrote another and gave it to us. I saw him drinkin a bottle of beer earlier so i bet he's drunk. lol. He's so emotional. For the very first time we went out with three cars today. The funny thing bout it is that Aipeng, Ebelin and Kenjoe are the drivers. In the morning round' 11.30 aipeng and ebelin both drove to my house. Then we picked up Elissa and drove to SS2 to have Dim Sum. (that place's price is like double the price of the usual dimsum restaurants.. =S) On the way there, something really funny happened. I accidently directed aipeng into the opposite lane! THANK GOD there weren't any cars comin from the front or we'll be dead by now. Then later David and Kenjoe met us at A Little Dim Sum. After lunch, we drove back to my house and when i wasn't aware, Aipeng bang-ed kenjoe's car when she was doin three-point-turn. Darn reckless! Aipeng's Myvi bang Kenjoe's Kancil. Who's car got more damage from that BANG? Aipeng's Myvi. lol! The Kancil is still perfectly normal. Sad case. Later, Aipeng drove DAvid to sec14 then we drove Elissa home. After that we all went to Ebelin's house. Chilled a lil, camwhored with Dollar and Kenjoe then went to Midvalley to catch a movie. Before the movie, i changed the size of the shoe i bought few weeks back and bought 6 boxes of Pineapple Tart for my aunt later. There i saw someone i really didn't wanna see. blueghhh.. After movie Cyuen came and drove us to the night market to buy some foods back to ebe's place. HAhHhh.. Bum into Kim and her mom. Looking all so diFF* . lol. Its her.. can i say more? Then after dinner at Ebe's place Kenjoe drove me home. What a sweeet soul-sizz.. Typical.. Earlier he was buggin me to bring Panadols and Ubat Minyak up the bus tomorrow. lol. I really dislike the smell of ubat minyak.. YucKs.. but.. I appreciate that kenjoe.. lol! Mcm perempuan weh....hahaha. Peng will be leavin to Cameron tomorrow and The Kancil will be sent to the mechanic too. So see ya guys after four days. Take care babes!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Early yesterday morning, I woke up with the feeling of excitement. Why? Silly me is goin to work. Others, David, Kenjoe and Justin as well. We reached Klang at bout 9.05am i guess? kenjoe was speeding at 120 therefore it didn't take long to reach. to be continued..

Ooops..sowee that i left ya hangin' . The ending is, some stuff happened and i'm not allowed to mention it to anyone cause someone muKA TEBAL.

Today, I Went out with Nick to hunt for jobs at Midvalley. Since 2 til round' 5. We had lunch at Sushi King then we went diff directions. why? He wanted to go to the arcade while i don't. We separated then. So yeah. I really dislike eating with him. He'll ask me whole lot of questions that guys wouldn't usually ask and he wouldn't eat much and it makes me look like a pig!. lol. Nick if ya're reading this.. HAHAH! Bought a piece SoftCookie and a bottle of Christmas Humbug candy. Christmas! Oh YEah i sure love it! Those beautiful decorations in the mall always gives me this warmth feeling. Sadly Malaysia doesn't snow or it'll be perfectO!
Christmas is actually a feast to remember the birth of Jesus. A day that brings families together to sit down for a proper dinner with turkeys and wine. Not forgetting prayers & gifts too. However, many took that for granted and turned that into a meaningless day. What a shame. I'm looking forward into celebrating Christmas with my beloveds. Gotta pen-off now. Adios.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

One Boring Night

Yesterday sure was boring. Like i said, I can't agree more with lembuu. For the very first time we chillout without penggy. Hmm.. Potong weh.. We first went to 1utama with Kenjoe, David and Justin. There we met up with Pat & Puisan and later, Ebe, Sieyuen and Eugene. At round' 7 kenjoe and ebelin all had to go for dinner with their parents so we parted and left to The Curve.
At the carpark I voluntered to drive out but guess what? The idiots; Pat, Davd and Justin didn't even dare to ENTER the car. Wth?? My heart was shaTTered.. argHhHh... wuteva lar okay,.. So pat took over and drove us all to The Curve. We bought 5 tics to the movie, Colic. Some Thai horror film. Before movie started started, Pat and I went shopping on our own at the flea market. Interesting one.. beautiful decos too. We managed to get some stuffs from there. Pat got her Mickey slipper. lol! She was thrilled when she got her right size. So yeah.. we were late for the movie anyways. Kenjoe came even later. It seems that Ebelin had lost her phone again. gosh! her RM2000+ phone! sayang weh.. Juz bought it a few months ago summore. ishish..
Then yeah, when the movie ended we left. I drove kenjoe's car in the carpark.. juz one round anyways with only him alone in the car. Others chickened out! So, we all went home after that. What a boring night. The End.

Friday, December 08, 2006

All bout PhatD

De title is : All bout PhatD.
Seventeen years of age.

Remember 5.11.1989.
Email and call ........***** =p
A newborn Christian and puts God above all.
Borned in P'nang. Living in Kay-elle.
Loves Family & Huns.
Current best buds are Ap & Eb.
Hangs out with huns and soulsizza.
Church kaki's are Sara & Abigail.
Luvs alchohols. Just a social drinker.
Hates Cigarettes. Hates the smoke.
Born to Shop but not with cash. wth??

Love me or Hate me.
Live to eat. Thts how i put on weight. *sobs*
Bitches & swears.
In search of the Perfect Mr. Right.
Adores men with good sense of humour, style, intelligence and personality.
Respects one with Dignity & Originality.
Fcuking hates wannabes, backstabbers, losers, desperados & fakes.
Capable of loving and hating.
The ultimate friend one could ever asked for and the worst enemy.
You mess with my friends, you mess with me.
Say you admire me, adore me, LOVE me.
If you can't stand me, DEAl with it.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Typical us

Its finally over. All that struggling with papers, brainstorming, and stressing about math formulas. We are no longer stepping back into the gate of highschool as a student. Twelve years of education has now officially ended. It is an unbelievable fact.

Last night was so much fun. It was a BLAST indeed.

At bout ' 7.30pm, Kenjoe picked me up and we headed to the lrt station to wait for Patricia. David, Aipeng and Rina was in the car with us. Being the loony Rina, she made so much When Patricia arrived, it got worse. *sigh. What to do.. Two lunatic girls never stops.
We then drove to Fondue and met up with Ebelin & Eugene. It was our first time there.
We chatted, we fooled around, we made such big havoc that the waitress and the man there was practically starring at us the whole time. It was hilarious tho. Seeing Kenjoe so happy now shows that he has let go of his past. In fact, he's after a new girl now named LAVONNE. His soon to be LOVED ONE. He was BLUSHING when we spoke bout her. Darn cute. An intelligent girl she is, suits him well.
David was being a pain and kept banging us. (David i tell you i felt like turning you into a beef chop!)lol. lembuu..
After dinner, we separated into two and headed to AC. The Kancil couldn't fit all us so we had no other choice but to take cab. The cab fella cheated us OKAy.. He took such big rounds and it sum up to 20 bucks. ass..forget bout him..
Have i mentioned that i love foosball?? HahH! me & eugene played against pat & aipeng. We are skilled okay (bullshits) .. me n eugene won the first round. Second round..i would juz blame the Feng SHui of our side. lol! The rest was chillin by the pool table. Rina & the guys were playin while Ebelin was stonin. heheh. Pat? dunnoe whts she doin. Time passed so quickly that we did not even realize that it was 11.30 already. So decided to make a move. Then Vince came outta no where and we chatted a lil. People changed so much that it made it so hard for me to communicate. baHhh.. Then we went down, and got ourselves sitted. Darren & Kah Chiun all was there. Darren was so blurr.. lol. He lost so much weight and he is actually lookin good now. lol. keep it up Darren!
Pat then ridiculed herself by sending some msgs to tht thingy*.. We were like idiots waiting for the msgs to appear.. Dumb* . Ebe's parent called at round 1 so we had to leave. Rina & Pat was sent home first leavin the rest of us there. It took Kenjoe an HOUR to return. GOsh !!
It was 2pm then. In the car, I was stoning. Could not bare the sleepyness and the nature called. Had to tahan weh.. sheesh... We cramped up in the car and my butt was practically off the seat. ..... Conclusion is, we all reached home safely.
Thanks soul-sizz!
Yeah.. and that night ended peacefully. Now check out the camwhores... enjoy.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Do you believe in miracles?

I Do. I do believe in miracles. Why? My life itself is a miracle. Its a forbidden secret. jajaja..
Today's paper was not as tough as i thought it would be. The Experiment was quite easy actually. Overall, HAVOC! All of us could do it so yeah.. HALELUJAH!
I cannot believe this..It's finally over. *a loud sigh of relief* Tomorrow, im goin shoPPING *magic fingers* wOOoo.. im gonna drive the car for de very first time! How exciting! Rina's back too.. She's already whining bout how bored she is.. lol.. I guess she's goin the pub alone tonite.. *lifts right eyebrow* cool..scary too. She's one tough girl, she can handle it. After wed's paper, I am free! hmm..should i draw the sotong* or the alien?? hmm...? lalala~ Stay tuned to find out more..

Friday, December 01, 2006


Its not DEJAVU actually.. i juz like the way it sounded =P
Moral paper sucked badly and blame nobody but myself for that. I did not really memorize the nilais and definitions. Wuteva..
Then Jan present me this UniQue pair of earrings she got from dunnowhere. Yeah thanx hun. I wuz juz kiddin bout tht yest. =)
As we ( Ebelin, Aipeng & I) were walkin out to gate B, we spoke about our plans next year. We sure don't know what we want. Sigh.. Thats what made us buddies.. Forever Unsure*.. lol
I don't know what i want exactly. Everyone is compelled to take up something in life and so i will. All i know is, after my last paper, im gonna chillout with hunns, get my driving licence (even when im not gettin a car), checkout some stuffs in Singapore, then start lookin for jobs. Yeah i've juz said it.. JOBS. Previously i worked at Sisley. It was last year and the year before last. (nov dec) Met new friends there, served ridiculous customers ( i remember how we laughed at his* hairy chest and got ourselves in trouble with the customer), made fun of Yun's CCness, mess up the accounts and many more. I juz miss those days. See how time flies yeah?
It felt as if i juz entered the front gate of Assunta yesterday and BAM! Im two subs away from freedom! It sometimes freak me out. To even just think of that, gives me goosebumps.
College life is never gonna be that easy and my life for sure isn't gonna be the same. But no matter what happens, friends will always be friends.. I would never wanna loose any of em' , especially not my two beloved buddies. (U know who you are...=P) We've been thru alot in the past seven years. All that laughters & tears we shared..Damn! that sure is worthy.. HahH we even fought against one another yeah? Silly us..
No prom this year.. How dissapointing.. Wuz so lookin forward into it. Got invitations to other proms but it isn't gonna feel the same as being in your own school prom. right? Sigh.. I guess ill be on my own soon. All alone.. I'm so impatient to get my spm results. So excited!! What's done is DONE! There's no turnin' back so juz face it! Its juz the matter of time.
Till then.. adios!