Monday, January 29, 2007

Phatdolla: Sayuloveme.. Marketing or MassComm? says:
whatever's being disowned.. let it go

When I said that, I meant it. If that person mean nothing to you, or he/she is not related to you, then you don't have to care so much about his/her life and death. If it is just another disappointment, then just 'select' and 'erase'. As simple as that. People may envy us, people may dislike us. The word 'hatred' is too heavy to bear, so why use it? One may live up to hundred and ten but yet can still behave like ten. It is just the same as how girls mature faster than boys or some sort. Who gives a damn? As a matter of fact, it is a waste of time 'contaminating' our mind and life with all this lil things. There are better things ahead of us, the past is a history, the future is the present.
Well read this:-

The Wonders Of The World :
Who's admitting what? Who's controlling who? I guess everyone has their rights to comment? Who's being the childish? Btw..who's pretending to be nice? Who's THE joke? Who's the TWO-FACED biatCh? Who sleeps around? Who does triple blowjobs? Who's boobies' bigga? Who's hawt and who's nawt? Who loves and who hates? Who compliments and who bitches? .. What a complicated world..


~~more to come..

Let's just all laughboutit!

Oh..the second dream i had with you.. it was indeed...... Sweet.

Love yet Hate?

WORK work work.. Am I a workaholic? I might have to work for another year if the school does not extend the closing date.. Course to take? I guess I sorta know.. SHhh.. U don't hafta know..
If I were an affluent missy.. I would just shop my day off and goyang-kaki in the night.. But life's never easy.. For a couple of days before today I worked at the roadshow held in 1u, along with Ap, Vince, EJ, Kish, Jase, Daryll and Izzat*. Had fun at work, superbly relaxing massages from Vince, got REJECTED by all the customers, stuffed myself with foods all the way up to my chest, and not forgetting that I got LOST IN SUBANG with the blurrest penguin alive.. Hey, it takes two to clap okayy so don't put all the blame on me! >P

After work today, I was supposed to change aunt's pineapple tart at mv and hit the gym later, as planned. Knowing me.. the laziest lass alive..!!.. I skipped the last part and head home straight. I was too tired, too much of Latic*acids accumulated in my shoulders and legs due to the many plastic bags I was carrying there and back. I may love being me, but hey!.. my life suX! So yeah, I bet those fellas MUST BE MISSING ME at work.. don't break my records ayte? Be GOOD.

Confession of The Neglected Soul

Another creation of God..
So charming.. oh-so-good..
Dedicated to one who will never know..
An unknown..

I like the way you look at me..
I like the way you smile..
I like the way you talk to me..
The way YOU make me smile..
I like the way you impress me..
I like the way you back me up..
I like the things you said to me..
The whole time it keeps me up..
I like the way you make me feel..
The feeling I've always loved..
I admire and adore you from head-to-toe..
That's all I want you to know.
I know you feel the same way as I do..
But I will never admit that I do..
Don't ever ask me why is that..
...Why? I am asking myself too.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Odor or....?

Let me just summarize the story ayte..
Met Abigail and Sara..
Had MCD 'Happy Meal'..few calories added from 'Strawberry Sundae'
Shopped around Telawi..
Fell in love with the Gossips heels..
Camwhored in Cat Whiskers..
Took a cab to K.L...
Had 'Salsa Wrappo' and 'Strawberry Dip'..
Dragged ourselves to some hawker stalls area..had dinner or should I address it as SNACK. Food sux anyways..
In the train, someone attacked us with Atom Gas! We couldn't stop laughing until we reached our stations. I sure can tell that the idiot was embarrassed cause Abigail looked at him when I said someone FARted! LOL. (Wanted to press the Emergency button to say "Help..HELP.. We're suffocating back here...! We've just been attacked by Osama's gang.. he bloody hell farTED!!!!...)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Dilemma HaHahhz

Dear bloggy,

Forgive me for I have not been blogging in days. I know you miss me and here I am. As you can see, I'm a busy lady and am currently in DILEMMA. I went to Singapore the other day and just came back two days ago. There, I went to Temasek & Ngee Ann's open day to enquire about the courses that I want to take. I don't know exactly what course to take, all I know is that I want to do PR, Advertising and Event Management. I first went to Temasek and checked out their Diploma in Communication and Media Management, which was quite interesting if I want to do it as a part-time course, but.. as a career, it is definitely not a good idea. And so, they directed me to the Marketing section which has the subjects that I want ACCORDING TO SOME LADY THERE. So yeah, they left me confused.
The next day, Royston accompanied me to Ngee Ann to check out their Diploma in Mass Communication. Now according to one of the lecturers there, Temasek had mislead-ed me as Mass Comm's exactly what I wanted and not Marketing. So okay..went for a short campus tour just to find out that their mass comm building looks retarded. I didn't really went in to see their equipments and classrooms because Royston had to leave early to be there at the airport for his girlfriend's arrival from Australia. So, again, I was left alone, confused and frustrated. Not because I met a *rival* (said Roy), but because I couldn't make up my mind of which campus to enrol in.
When I got home, I mean my cousin's house, I discussed with my uncle about that matter. He then told me that marketing's good for me (thts wht Eli said too) provided I do well in the future, I'll then be able to get promoted easily, which means i'll be making BIG-BUCKS! As for Mass Comm, he said if I have a passion for it, then just go for it and I will too be successful since I enjoy meeting people and it's also a course with a very wide job scope. Like duh I know that..but.. there will be in ALOT of writing and I have to master my language really well which I don't think I'm good at??$%#@*& *a blow of sigh* AgAIN for the third time, I'm left FCUKINCONFUSED! Well, that applied until this very day!

Should I do Marketing or Mass Comm?

Please do comment as it will be much appreciated.

Along the way of course I went to shop a little before going DUH...Brought back a whole big bag of brochures and a luggage full of ........*my things*

Yesterday, Abigail, Sara and I spent our day together at 1u. It was more of like soulsisbondingtime according to Sara. Funny she.. Had lunch at Italianese* then went to visit Jamie, Sara's friend whom Abigail and I dislike, at Camp 5. Oh and guess what?! The dude at the counter's so hAWT! We then walked further in and BAM! Another hAWT guy..another..and ANother.. The final one's a mix-mat-salleh. We're definitely going there to rock-climb one day!!
After that, we left to Mont Kiara to checkout the flea market. Min Ching, Leo's former president was there having ice-cream at Lekka Lekka with her bunch of friends. After walking a lil while, we grabbed a drink at Starbuck and left to Damansara. Bought a few pieces of top and dropped Abigail at 1u then Sara followed me home to wait for her parents.

Then today, Ee May, Ebelin, Aipeng, David and I went out to checkout a few colleges. Had lunch at Eden cafe after fetching Janice then went to our first destination which is Taylor's. Enquired alot on Mass Comm and Hotel Management and Andrew, the guy who spoke to us was really friendly. We were tour-ed around the college and it really caught our interest. Next we went to KDU and had a hard time finding for a parking space. There we saw Yoke Hang and as usual, she's being not-so-nice.. Its her..why bother? Anyone could have thrown her a thousand insults but its her nature to be THAT WAY. So used to it already.. Ee May wuz so pissed with her.. Luv you Mayzz..!
Later we drove to IACT and honestly, that place SUCKS. like some cheap college..imagine Andrew Choo's tuition centre as a COLLEGE. Ridiculous enuf to you? That's how bad it looks and I really don't know whats so good about that college. SO.. being pigs.. we hunted for FOOD.. Ended up at MCD's. Lol. Well, I guess that's about it besides that I almost took David's life away. He could hardly catch his breath says he but he's buLLSHITTING i knoe.. my driving skills AINTTHATBAD.. STOP exaggerating!

Oh btw, I went to that Hot-Guys-Boutique again to get a present for a friend.
And this' what happened..AGAIN..

Me: I want to get a shirt for my friend.
He: What's his size?
Me: Large maybe? But this looks big (holding up a t-shirt)
He: Actually, this kinda shirts are meant to be a lil more body hugging so you might
wanna consider the Medium instead.
Me: AhaHh.. I see.. erm..
He: *takes off his sweater AGAIN* Is his shoulder broader than mine?
Me: *Giggles* U know what? This' the SECOND time someone STRIP infront of me in this shop you know..
He: OH NOnO.... #@$&*%!#%&*!!


Pls do comment on which course you think i'm most suitable for ayte??. Mwachhss.. Lovadova, Me.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Guess? Addiction ??

Secret Top Zip

Athena Small Satchel

Corinne Mini Top Zip

Well well well.. The floods over at Johor sure is bad. Even our neighbour, Singapore too. Coincidentally, Thomson Road's one of the flooded areas and wORSE!, that's where my bus's gonna stop the day after tomorrow! DAMMIT! Will the trip be cancelled?? NooOOoOoo pls nOOooooOoO.. Imgonnadie.. Open Day's on the 18-20 and if I can't make it because of that stupid flood, how am I gonna decide which col to enter????!!?? OWHHARRGHHHH... My life sUx! Does anybody know anyway to trigger ASTHMA? I mean like you know.. usin pepper or something...? ImSOMean... My mind is everywhere now....~~ Just went for facial this afternoon and my face is SOFCUKINRED now.. pls help and not laugh. My salary's not out yet.. whyyy...????!!!?? Im so BROKE these days.. Especially after Lagoon the other day. I'm left with only a miserable 50 bucks note in my purse. DARNITT.. This post is full of vulgarities..muststop! MusTstop! CONtrollll.... InHALE...EXHAle.....INhale....exhALE... I really regret for not gettin' my pair of Birkenstock thongs the other day. SOGONNAGETIT this time! My lil Cherry thongs...come to mama.. I've been eyeing on these Signature bags from Guess?. It's the Corinne Mini Top Zip, Athena Small Satchel, and the Secret Top Zip . Wonder will it be cheaper if i gettit from Sg...?

AhhahHhhhh.. wondering in my wonderland was what i juz told Ivan when he asked me "hows stuffs at college.." Hello my dear, I haven't started college yet. tsktsk..
hahaha.....gonna go find my hawttie soon.. mwahahaha..

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Updates updates UPDATES....! Yesterday, the 13th of January 2006, I had my day spent with beloved friends. The occasion is, Ebelin+Ken joe 's birthday which wasn't yesterday anyways. Reached Sunway Lagoon at around 1 o'clock with Aipeng and Ken Joe, then met up with Ebe and Eugene, Eemay and Ganesh, and last but not least, David, Ivan, Liang Fang and Nas. We went on a couple of rides, played with the waves at the wet park, camwhored in the ladies, and ran in the rain in shade of Ebelin's towel.. I shall not go in details ayte? But, it sure was kinda fun. The crowd was quite dead actually, even at Asia Cafe. Had dinner at Ichiban Ramen before leavin' to Subang. My bowl of Tom Yum Ramen tasted good but bloody hell spicy. Over at A.C. I had a bowl of Ice-mix of some sort (Sago-lolo) and it tasted BAD. Well compared to the one I had in Min Tien..yea.

I suck at pool. Tho I beat David once by luck, (Ivan also i think??) I still think I gotta brush up to compete against them. Eemay's like a PRO already under Ganesh's guidance.. Aipeng.. as usual, fooling around with the cue stick but I guess she can play?
As time passes, I, as usual started gettin' bored. SO, being the cam-whore, I dragged David into the picture. Ivan and Ee May then joined in as well. Funnay.. Loved the pics tho coz of the pretty faces in it. =) Later at 11 o'clock, we left A.C. The three of us who were supposed to head home after that, made a detour to Murni's. That place was so packed with all the old's and young's. Finally we got our seats and made an order. Roti Hawaii and Mee Kajang was what we ordered. Tasted good, really. But I much prefer William's Indomee Butterprawn and Ribena Longan. If i were to compare the cleanliness and hygienic conditions of these two places, of course Murni's way better than William's. Need I say more? But hey, bacterias die in high temparatures didn't you know that? So yeah, there goes our supper, adding the few extra calories to our body. As if I'm not fat enuff? Gaswsh! Where'd my discipline go? HahAhh.. p/s: Roy..repeat after me. "I'm GAY and I just can't RESIST reading WEIHUI's BLOG because I'm very VERY BUSYBODY and later, I'd call her and MAKE FUN of her bout all that she's written as I've got NOTHING better to do at the office..."

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Darynnedewheyz's being silly

11:28 am in exact. With my eyes half-opened i'm blogging. Blogging about craps that you will soon read. Which is after this. There.. CRAPS.
_-juz being silly-_

I'm now left alone in the office as Sean has gone out for appointments. I have not had my breakfast this morning and I have no idea what to have for lunch later. I really don't have any appetite for now.. All I want is my beauty sleep. GOSH.. How I wish there's a HUGE COMFY bed upstairs which appeared in my mind most of the time. Well, then you will see me gettin fired for grabbing all documents and laptops upstairs to do my work there. HaHhh..
The rubbish bin next to me is full of rubbish. That ain't no ordinary rubbish.. It was thrown ONLY by a lass named Goh Wei Hui. Sweet wrappers, Watson's plastic bag, tissues and etcetera. Trashes..

Tomorrow i'll be goin' to lagoon with YOU-KNOW-WHO. We planned it all days ago. The trouble is, this' the time of the month! which i hope it'll end sooner than TOMORROW. In addition, we'll be going there in the MORNING. After so many days of waking-up early to work, can't I just rest for a day? Well, i mean at least let me sleep a lil while more..? Tsktsk.. It's not like there are any hot guys comin along...are they? Those tight biceps and toned abs..Those pretty looking faces with a brain of Sir Isaac Newton. Whoever that is.. He's a scientist alright? I just remembered his name! heck.. Unlike those we often see who looks like mummies.. Paranoids who thinks their body are well toned when it's actually just their BONES... Can't stand the sight of these people. I once read this sign thingy sold at a stall that says;
'I may be FAT, but you're UGLY, and I can DIET!'

Now i'm feeling really urgent.. Ciao.


Monday, January 08, 2007

New Year New Email


Don't ask me why this and why that.. Juz aDDD..
New adds.. muahhsss


Juz thought of somethin really silly today. I have just named my future babe Jaydee.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Cousin brother, Yu Hua had his 21th Birthday party last night. He invited all of us including his mates from college and high school. None of the guys are up to the standard if you know what i mean. I'm not trying to be a lil'bitch here as i'm tellin the truth. Foods sucked because of the cooks. They SUCKS BIG-TIME. If they read this.. HAH I ain't apologizing even if you're my aunts! =P Yu Lern's into the Korean look these days. Dyed his hair as red as the autumn leaves and got studs all over his ears that made mama tear. Naughty.. Birthday boy's looking so darn skinny like a walking skeleton. Pretty girlfriend was there to celebrate with him and bought him a really expensive wallet for his birthday. Lucky you. Live well aye? Muchh lovee.

My Blues

Ever since the year 2006 ended, everything felt so different. As if a part of me was gone and the gone part is being replaced by something new. A total different self. I'm letting go of my past memories slowly, soon, all of it'. The new part of me no longer feel the same way about everything and everybody. As if i've just been reborned. Now a plan has to be made for the days ahead, my future. To live or to die is not for me to decide. But, I believe in Him. I believe that He has everything planned out for me perfectly. Everything that is best for me.
Till then, I'll be walking aimlessly. Doing the same ole' thing day and night like a lifeless* freak. People'll start telling me this, "Eh, you got no life ahh?..?" Yeah yea.. go on.. say whatever you want.. I don't give two fucks.. I've been seeing this solid wall whenever i closes my eyes. I can't see nor get a glimpse of the days ahead. I felt the feeling of loneliness and emptiness in my heart, my life. I live because He live. The stronghold of my life. This journey is tough and I know it. I will be on my own if I succeed. To strive towards success, I need to put myself together include my heart and soul. Just go for it without looking back. There shall be no regret. Oh just Pray. This weak spirit of mine is hungry for strengh, wisdom and guidance.

What if I die in my sleep tonight? Who would cry? Who would care? Who would even ask?

Dear readers. If I die in my sleep tonight, do not cry. Do not pretend to care. Most importantly, do not bother to ask. Just say a little prayer to thank God that you had me.

Here, a statement I shall make. I hate ones who takes no stand on his/her own, ones who absalutely have no self respect, and ones who lives up to other's expectations amd not his/her own.

Why please others and not myself? I am who I am. Proud to be as well. Love it or hate it, deal with it. I'll be nice to the nice and be nasty to the nasty. If I don't stand up for myself, who would? I can't just cry, turn my head away and run home to mama. I don't wanna be JUST that girl, that lil' thing. I don't wanna be THE BEST, I wanna be MY BEST. That way, I will naturally be THE BEST. That is what i learnt from the years before this. Seek no competitions, seek no enemies. Cheers to all you ladies who managed to be who you are today. Make us proud. Be the pride of all women' popularity.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Its exactly 1:26 pm now and i juz came back from lunch with my girls. Haven't actually seen them in a while besides Elissa. I was supposed to meet up with Sara to have lunch with her but..heeehh.. it was a last minute thing alright. Had indian food for two days in a row already. Kayu's then Raju's. Next i wanna go to Murni's or William's. Ebelin's birthday, i have no clue. I'm already plannin for the ex-form-fives gathering which i have Sunway Lagoon in mind. Bet it would be fun to go out with just girls. You know, go for rides, swim like idiots,make hell lots of noises, Havoc! Just hope the feedback would be good. Then after that we can go for a dinner at fancy restaurants or even MAMAKS for all i'll be hell lot of fun!

Hmmm..Speaking of which, if i have cash, i might consider buying some shares. hahahahaha.... when my share rises, ill buy lots and lotsa things for myself . muahahaha.. Name it. Ipod, Nokia's, Notebooks, bags, shoes, liquors, Ice wines, my own house, cars, Diors, LVs, Versace's and whole lot more. Well, maybe a

Bou-staurant (boutique + restaurant two in one)as well. A signature of my own with my shoe collections and all the luxurious clothes and accessories. Fantastic! Marvelous! Tremendous! Whatever!

Somebody's so busybody tryin to peep at my blog when its being written halfway. (HAHAH So PAT!! U SUX) Now he's acting childish ignoring me for a MINUTE. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Joker dude. (U owe me an Ipod from now.) hahaha..nah kiddin. Later his girlfriend bring parang* and chop me into pieces. Lol.

Till then..much love, LovaDova,Me.

Monday, January 01, 2007

A Brand New Year.

Happy New Year to all my beloveds and the hateds. Another year has passed and now it's the 2007. Everything, everyone, is about to change, for good. To face different changes, both physically and emotionally. Obstacles ahead of us are yet to be known. A different side of each and everyone of us beneath the mask are yet to be revealed. Good or bad, who are we to judge? We celebrates New Year yearly. Whether or not we love it, totally depend on who we're with. Learn to live and love, the way we all deserve. Life is still young, therefore lead them the way we would not regret. Expand the horizon is the best advice. For the young and old, it still is. Dare to take risks, do it adventurously*. Love it, live it. -Phatdolla Darynnedewheyz, Carpe Diem.