Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Bad Day or Good Day?

Despite working like a cow almost every day till I get sore throats, crack lips and blisters, I did have a lil joy of work. Check this out..



Melissa & Monica

And more pictures to come..

Something hit me last night. No matter how great it feels to wash off all dirts, makeups and bacterias off my face after one tiring long day of shopping with my aunt & cousin who came down from Singapore, then a movie with David and Eu Vin, I realise that I should be more careful when it comes to washing the parts near my nose. Why? I've accidentally rubbed my stud AGAIN and it hurts. Too much of run-ons? DEAL WIT IT.

Highlights of the day

-lovely aunt bought me a new purse! She said it's for my birthday present which is like.. in NOVember?

-watched Next instead of Spiderman 3 (cuz SOMEONE said "sure got tic or...")

My current love is for the Samsung's new SGH-U600, the Ultra version.

Gawsh.. How could anybody resist it's's gorgeously Sleek! My 3230 is givin me hell lot of problems lately, literally the battery's the problem. But heck? I want the U600!! Ahh.....!

I've downloaded Prison Break S1 Ep 11 & 12 which is the continuous of where I stopped a week back and I even bought the Music & Lyrics. There's just too much too do, but too little time. Everything turned bad when I fell deadly ill a day before yesterday. Don't wanna elaborate on that. I got positive comments from the organizers anyways so that's a bonus. teehee.. gotta run. ciao.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

My Ride, My Friends.

Registered my next sem's subjects yesterday with Grace after gettin' my nose prettily pierced at Dragonfly. Having my parking ticket gone missing at Taylor's, we had no choice but to pay the fine sum of RM30. Dammit! Such an unlucky tragedy. Later I drop Grace at OU then headed to Jo's place after picking Vince up along the way. And again, my cellphone rebelled and the battery flattened. So, we chilled for a while before heading to Asia to have our dinner. We went three fcukin rounds just to search for a parking lot, how annoying. Pool-ed one round and kena-sapu by Vince. Oh come on.. I'm a noob alrite, the pros are the two of em'. Alfred then came a while later and joined us for a longgg drink. heheh. Guess wat??


A really fugly green. Yes, GREEN. I'm so gonna bug daddi to respray it! Urggggh.. I find the side light kinda cute. Just like the LALAT. =_=ll

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Guy BffS!

Is it rare to see a guy and a girl being bffs these days? I would say, yes, it is.
Though I personally have that kind of relationships, which I'm pretty much proud of, it is still hard to see my other friends click as just friends. Get the picture? I've got this guy friend whose like a big brother to me and I've known him for seven solid years now. (yesh you don't perasan) We've pretty much gone through alot and had our ups and downs, even distanced for a short period of time which we have things mend back awhile later. Cut the crap. Having a guy as bffs is awesome, really. That's if you find a genuine one, as in one with the good qualities. A guy bffs I want must never ever fall for me under any circumstances, backs me up whenever I need the support, protects me whenever I'm in need, lends a shoulder for me to cry on, and always an excellent listener even when they could not do anything to help. An advisor is also a plus. Deff' not someone who takes me for granted, turning me into a foolish jackass. yeah. F***off if you're one of them. Besides that seven year old friendship of mine, another one is my doldol in OZ. (yesh you DOLDOL) My other elaboration on that alright? I really much prefer guy bffs than boyfriends. Hassle-free; no jealousy, no flirtation, no worries and long-lasting! Simple interesting conversations without needing to think before you speak. hah! Totally fun. But, of course, with a lil sense of respect towards one another. :) No contentious issues. Just LoveLoveAmongstTwoBuds. SHh-Weet!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Truth Behind These Ds'

I know I know.. Everyone has been asking me what does PhatD really mean. I would usually say, it's for me to know, for you to find out, but here I am, on my own will, revealing the truth behind the Ds'. Just for your information, it actually stands for Phat-DOLLA and Phat-DARYNNE. It all started off last year if I'm not mistaken, when I first got my fringe-cut short making me look even rounder (fatter), and somehow like a retarded china doll.

See that?

Instead of FAT, I thought why not PHAT? I'm COOL ya knoe.. I'm COOL. nahh.. wuteva.. just kidding. *talktothehand* And that was how I got the initial Phat. As for the D, you know.. DOLL.. bet you need no further explanation for that do you? I actually got the name Darynne from someone else. Ain't original, I know. Regardless of how boyish that kinda sound as it was originally spelled as Darin, a boy name, I don't givva damn. If we can have Justynne instead of Justin and Andrienne instead of Adrian, why not Darynne instead of Darin, even with the same pronunciation, or not. (I mean to cause NO OFFENCE towards NOBODY alright? *peace*) Yeah yeah, some may think 'why the hell would someone bother to re-name themselves, it's so stupid..blahblahbla' Just in case if you don't know, people often face difficulty pronouncing my chinese name, it's tongue twisting, really. At times, it is quite embarrassing to keep repeating your name just because the other person has problems with their hearings. Try pronouncing Wei-Hui five times, quickly, and you're probably end up saying Wei-E or WEYY. In fact, I often get that. My friends probably got used to it, but in future as I encounter big bosses for business purposes or what so ever, just in case, I wish, it is always better to leave them a good impression with a name they could easily recall. True enuff? Rather than having them say Wei-WHO? or THAT short gal with......ghahhh.. If I were to be them, I would have done the same damn thing! Well, of course, that name will I only apply in future, not now, definitely not amongst my friends, it's gonna be pretty weird and awkward. Until that very day, PhatD shall it remain and I would gladly to just be known as Wei Hui. For the closing, I wish not to receive anymore nonsense regarding this matter or even a single WHY, cause I will not be able to answer any of your silly, irritating, nerve-wrecking questions, even if I could. As rude as that may be, it happen not on my own will, it's the evil side of me. grr..

The Consequences Of Holidays

7th of July, the final day of my sem break, which is err.. six donkey weeks and three monkey days from now. Here I am, sitting in front of my computer, munching on my Cookies & Cream Hershey's as I blog about the day, sticking to two miserable topics, the weather and health. Well, the sky was rather clear for a moment, then dark, and the next moment I saw raindrops, then came the thunder & storms. I met Azlin, Marie, Nick and Joon Kit at college. Nick was PMS-ing according to Lin and he claimed that Cancers and Scorpians clicks really well, whether they're couples or friends. hmm.. interesting. Let me just try it out some day. heheh. wait. I think the couple part isn't true cause I just broke up with a Cancer. HAH! Proved him wrong. The cinema is the one place I haven't been stepping into in ages and I'm really falling out already. So outdated. Grrr.. Being a bummer, I've been sleeping late and waking up even later, daily. All I can do for free is eat, sleep, and shyt. Other activities makes me fork out $$. Speaking of which, I have just spent every penny of my pay on shopping yesterday after lunch with Elissa, Ebelin and Sie Yuen. I bought my La Senza's New 360 degree Strapless Convertible and I am luvin' it. Along with that I stuffed my tummy with lots of junks, high-fat-calorie ones. grr.. Gotta be a vegetarian for a week already! nono chocolates no more. My left boobs kinda hurt lately and a couple of days later, my jello-mello-aunt paid me a visit, but weirdly, she came for a day only. There must be something wrong with me. In conclusion, my health ain't that good. I so wanna get my nose pierced. Left or Right? Ohh Ohh.. and a lovely Rose-Cross tattoo on my ankle. shh-weeet. Left or Right? Would someone please design some nice ones for me? Sweetiepiehunnycupcakevanillacheese and everything sweet. :)
hmmm.. According to daddi, my midget ride is coming in a week or two. Ahh..FINALLY! An auto after the many months of sticks. *A sigh of relief* Unfortunately, if I use more than 200 bucks of petrol, I will have to fork out for the balance of the sum. GRRRR.....What a way to discipline me. :s That is about it. All bout' Me, Myself, and I.

Tata till then. Loves.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

My Fair Lady Goodbye..


The Photographer & Atiqah

Shamsul aka Mawi

Tall Girl & Suk Mun :S

Jeshua & Dominique

Michelle the person in-charge*

Atiqah & Adieb

"RHB bank, proudly present, The Musical; My Fair Lady."
That went on for 6 freaggin days, heard it 7 times. Last night was the last show and we all parted into different directions to where we came from, with our pays. We did the old school tradition by exchanging contacts, camwhoring, and so on.. One awesome group of hyperactive crews. I will surely miss them. In fact, I am already. Suk Mun, Jeshua, Dominique, Adieb, the floor manager who disturbed my sleep early in the morning; Shamsul, and my so-called twin; Atiqah.....

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Usher Usher Ush Ush!

Today's the day,
Where the sky is blue,
The weather's beautiful,
The birds chipping away happily.

Met Adib, Joshua, Dominique..also a couple of girls.
It's not that I only remember guy names, it's just that I wasn't talking all that much with the girls; different stations. One by one the people walked in, with brands like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Chanel, BCBG, and tickets worth 300 bucks. (more or less) gwash man.. as if they're paying 30.

G-alous! Hilarious and interesting play it was. It sure was one hell of an experience, another one gained. Guess who I bumped into? Liyana! She was with her beautiful young looking mommy and her adorable Eurasian-looking baby brother. She's as sweet as ever, just like when I first met her, when she complained so much of how she's been controlled and stuff. Not so bad wert.. One lucky chiq. Food which was supposed to be provided got cancelled off in the end and almost starved us all to death. grr.. Another five more days of plays to watch. hmm.. gimme tips lar datuks oii..

Sunday, May 13, 2007


The joy of work is when you encounter adorable children like this.
I love kids unlike Vince. Definitely not the stubborn and irritating ones like this boy who kept making monkey faces next to me while I was making an explanation to his parents yesterday. You don't know how badly I wanted to lay my hand on his face I tell you. In the end, they bought one anyways, so my patience paid off.

Drifted Apart

The urge of watching the sunset, letting the cold soothing breeze blow towards my face, dipping my legs in the crystal clear yet so salty water came to me. Along with my essentials and perhaps a couple of friends or maybe alone, I shall take leave to a serene place. A relaxing place where I get to snap beautiful shots of mother nature, a place where I can apply an intrapersonal communication peacefully. (yeah, so masscomm..I know) It's amazing how one's personality can change in very short period of time and space. Changes does give a whole new perspective to oneself, like how someone told me last night of how one's thinking changes every hundred days. Perhaps it is now the time to view things from a different angle, in a less judgmental manner.

I have been feeling rather depressed lately. All about the masquerade world revolving around me, practically trying to adjust into a new self of mine. Along the way I have missed heaps of valuable things, not literally materials, just the very little issues of how I'm living my not-so-miserable life. Changes people saw in me, yet some judged it positively and some negatively. What am I to say or do? It's the reality, the human nature. I am not going to lose myself, just have to pull myself together and face them standing strong like how a friend of mine did. People tend to not learn from mistakes and sometimes that happens to me too. However, just give more than you take. At the end of the day, you gain. "At least I have done my part" is what I always say to myself. Do Unto Others Of What You Would Have Them To Do Unto You.

As for Mother's Day, which was about ten solid hours ago, was nothing special. It never was. Not this year the least. Invariably captured in the moment film, partially not on my own will. Memories of a six year old just kept coming back. Years had passed and I shed no tears no more. Feelings are numb and often got out of words. But really, what am I to do. I did not make choices for her. She did.
Forgive & Forget? Easy to say, hard to accomplish. I may forgive, but not forget. Neither do I know how to face it all. He told me, if he could, why can't I. I really wish it was that easy, perhaps I'm just not as strong as he is. Maybe I just need a little more time to think it over. I know I can and I will. Thank you.

Heart to heart talk is always good. Cheers, brotha.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Innermost Thoughts

Another typical emotional ramblings of mine..

Everything'd changed, everyone. It felt so different this year. Moving on to a different phase, a higher stage in life, more obstacles ahead, so close yet so far. People getting provoked into acts of foolishness, duped into temptations, more and more substitutes. We all, perpetually
falling for it, blindly. It's almost like our prime time. Being gregarious isn't being flirtacious. Evaluate that. Human race is just lack of cohesion, sadly, but plausible. I'd go bonkers if I live in this sad miserable world any longer. Only if someone* would be kind enough to take my life away. Oh please do it now. I mean NOw.

Before you met me I was a fairy princess
I caught frogs and called them prince
And made myself a queen
And before you knew me I'd traveled 'round the world
And I slept in castles
And fell in love
Because I was taught to dream

I found mayonnaise bottles and poked holes on top
To capture Tinker Bell
And they were just fireflies to the untrained eye
But I could always tell

Cause I believe in fairy tales
And dreamer's dreams
Like bedsheet sails
And I believe in Peter Pan
And miracles, anything I can to get by
And fireflies

Now before I grew up I saw you on a cloud
And I could bless myself in your name
And pat you on your wings
And before I grew up I heard you whisper so loud
Well life is hard and so is love
Child, believe in all these things

I found mayonnaise bottles and poked holes on top
To capture Tinker Bell
And they were just fireflies to the untrained eye
But I could always tell

Cause I believe in fairy tales
And dreamer's dreams
Like bedsheet sails
And I believe in Peter Pan
And miracles, anything I can to get by . . .
And fireflies
And fireflies . . .

Before you met me I was a fairy princess
I caught frogs and called them prince
And made myself a queen
And before you knew me I'd traveled 'round the world
And I slept in castles
And fell in love
Because I was taught to dream

-Fireflies by Faith Hill


Assalamualaikumm Mr.David.

He's suffering at the National Service camp right now, at this time, this minute, this very moment...
He said he shot a gun. (I thought you shoot with the gun?)
He said me met a lot of good friends; Sinister people, lame people..('re damn cool lar)
He said the activities there are fun (6 freaggin meals a day yo)
He said he misses ME! (yeay!)
He said he misses ALL OF US! (like DUh-uh)
He said he misses STEAK (babi you..)
I kinda miss him too.. hahaha.. (just said it to make him a happier man =p)
LAUGHIN BUDDHA..who smokes..who clubs..who farts..booHoooo!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Areen's Birthday

Azreen, The Birthday Girl.



Last night was Azreen's birthday party and the CST, Grace, Cher, I and a couple of other friends all attended it at the Royal Selangor Golf Club. Rich chiq.

p/s: I found only these pictures in my cam so to view the rest, refer to other's blawgs.

Not much pics taken anyways. Very little of me. lol lol.



FuLLsToP says: i'm abit sad i'm no longer in ur blog
FuLLsToP says: not mentioned anymore

There he goes again. Forever complaining that I did not mention about him; Royston, in my blog. Now, shuttup. You've just been mentioned. O_O

Thursday, May 10, 2007

All the randoms

PhatD's Language.

Had my last finals paper today. It was the ICHB and it sure was fugly-doodee tough. As usual. I was struggling real hard for the last two papers as well. M16 all the way babeh. Well, the process of revising a.k.a STUDYING..

Then I got this into my head..

My given-away baby Browniee.

Then you would probably see me stoning all the way..




Finally, couldn't take it anymore.

And you got this..


Come on-lah. Be a lil' tidsy-bits more understanding. WHeyz CANNOT stress and work under pressure or in ZERO..NOTHING will go into my head. Seriously.

I've got a really really long pinochio break after today and I'm gonna fill those empty spaces with incoming $$, if ya know what I mean. Ka-CHing!

Jan got her car back yesterday and she was so baboony happy.

Wheyz: *talk talk talk.............*

*sound of a car hon*

Jan: *interrupts* You hear that?!!!

Wheyz: Hear what?

Jan: The car hon! My car's back!!!!! AHAHHAHAA!!!!!!!! *jumps over the phone*

Don't be mad. I know you'll still love me.. muax muax.! *winks*